Foil quiver advice

Looking for advice on which HA foil will fit into existing quiver. Currently have HS 850 &1250.
Im strapless free riding with a kite, 130lbs.
Im trying to avoid too much overlap.

I’m not a kiter but it seems like the 525 or 725 would be your logical choices.


The 925 feels similar to the 1250 for me at 155lbs prone and winging. The 725 is probably similar to the 850. Have yet to try the 525 but it’s likely exactly what you’re looking for. I love the 725 but have been focusing on the 925 to link waves lately.

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Thanks @radair and @Maayan for the feedback about where the HAs will fit within the exisitng foils. I think its more helpful sometimes than shop reviews or manfacturing marketing.
Picked up a used 725. Interested in finding out how the HA wings feel kiting. Dont have an opinion until I ride one myself.