$1000 - Full Cloud 9 Foils setup - Wanted to get my hands on some of the progression stuff so getting rid of these for now!
75cm V2 Mast
FS 850 Front ( Aspect ratio of 8.5 - Feels allot like the progression 140 but with more low end)
F 38 Front (Big foil - 1350cm - Aspect ratio 7 - Feels allot like the progression 200)
F28 Front
**FS 13.5 Tail **
F15 tail
3 position fuselage
The scratches from the pictures were all surface and buffed out. Happy to send some updated pictures if thats a concern
Also have a New 4’9" FFB fusion for sale! ($400)
Shipping for foils are usually about $50, Board is about $80