400 Hours On Foil: A summer on narrow boards and the search for a perfect surf experience

If anything the narrow board will be stronger since it’s thicker… It really depends on construction, boxes properly installed and the deck can stand up to the landings.

@Bwalnut I recently went full send on my 5’10", launched full speed off a 10’ wave overpowered on a 4.5… I distinctly remember getting up there and thinking, crap, this feels like a kiteboarding-high jump, not sure if I’m gonna plummet or float down… The longer board does feel big in the air, but the extra nose helps with splashdown. it’s not going to be the thing for 1440’s, but for straight jumps and the odd spin, no problem.


Nice! I didn’t even get inserts for my new board. Jumping foils has never even been on my list of considerations. I’m just a sucker for the surf experience.