BRM Parawing just launched. New category of foiling?

I’ve dialed in my mono line harness a bit. Here is my 2nd iteration, consisting of a 4mm dyneema schock cord loop (from WestMarine). The ends are tied with a hunters bend knot. This knot just fits inside the brm attachment’s sleeve barely and allows the knot to be untied should adjustment be needed.

The harness on the left is my 3mm adjustable version. 4mm on the right.

With just two sessions in the local kiddie pool, I’ve noticed a lot of benefits of this stretchy harness line over my previous attempt with a fixed heavy duty monoline that I use for winging.

  1. Absorbs gusts - saves shoulders
  2. Stays hooked in unless you really want to unhook
  3. Can get on board and sit on board while hooked in flying the Pwing (nice while waiting on a gust)
  4. Can get going while hooked in.
  5. Can stay hooked in on gybes (haven’t tried tacks hooked in yet)
  6. Tension easily balanced between harness/lines and arms. Go full on relax mode or keep some tension for a workout.
  7. Very minimal so keeps tangles at bay
  8. Monoline/single attachment point is better than two attachment points as you can perfectly pick balance point and adjust while flying by sliding fore/aft.