Carving on a DW board vs Wing board

I note that I can carve way harder on a DW board (100 lts, 7’0 x 20’’) than on a shorter but wider wing board (54 lts, 5’0 x 22’)
Does anyone have the same sensation?
One reason for that may be due to the reduced width. You can lean further without the board rail touching the water.
But also I think it might be the attitude towards the turn on a longer with bigger swing weight. You have to commit harder.

If width is the main factor I wonder why wing sinker boards are still wide (plus 20’')



Same thing hapenned with my new wing board which I made it kind of midlenght mini DW type. 5’0" x 18" x 46 lts and it takes off better and carves harder indeed. Also as the nose is longer, I get more of the feeling of a surf board drawing and driving up and down while carving. It’s weird to explain, but agree with you.

Also, got a new custom new DW I designed and my shaper built, and it also can crack some really nice carves. 6’11" x 18" x 96Lts, paired with a good surfing foil (Cloud 9 FS-1000), I think I’m gonna start going downwinding with more of a carving in mind than just glide and speed.

Yep, the width and ability to lay it on it’s side is one thing, but I think the length is actually really important too. The super short boards become so fast and so twitchy that I’ve never seen anyone actually able to ride them to their limits. I totally get it for freestyle riders or if you are trying to link waves prone, but for wingers, the extra length gives you something to throw around which allows your body to engage the carves instead of chase after your board and foil.

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