Duotone dlab foil systems

The new dlab foil system looks slick. They even have a couple AR 14 foil. Is this the future of foil construction? Heard a couple people on seabreeze that they are great, but has anyone else tried and compared to code/kt/uni evo?

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I started a thread on seabreeze because I couldn’t find any info on the new Duotone 2.0 gear that wasn’t winging or kiting related.
Duotone have never been on my radar but a buddy demoed the Glide 2.0 & that got me interested - luckily the local shop had demo gear that I used prone for a few weeks.

There’s no way I would have purchased without trying as there’s not the usual information to justify taking a punt based on feedback/reviews.

Now there’s 3 of us at my local on Duotone Glide 2.0 / Whizz, paddle prone only.

I’m interested in the Glide 2.0 as well for SUP DW…if anyone has any experience there, I’d love to hear about it! Cheers!