DW mast lengths

So I use the same Lift 32 mast for both prone and wing on my 5’6” x 19.5” mid length. Will start DW soon and don’t want to buy a shorter mast. Are people using 80 to 85cm masts DW? Do I have to go down to 75 or are the longer masts working ok?

Lots of chat about how a shorter than prone ie 75cm mast is better for two reasons, likely only 1. applies to you

  1. easier to paddle up
  2. faster through the water when on foil - or more accurately, easier to keep high on the mast resulting in lower drag

Negative of a shorter mast is that you will initially breach more, but apparently you adjust to this.

My experience with an 80+ mast is that there is so much going on in the early days that it will not make much of a difference and the extra money is not worth it until you have the basics dialled and can appreciate the difference. In saying that, I have yet to try a shorter mast to see how much easier!

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I learnt downwind sup on an 83cm mast. Currently now on a 80cm mast which performs great in all disciplines I do - Wing, Surf, Sup, Wing and Kite.

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Just for pumping while dock starting. It’s easier to be aligned strait up and push power into the foil with a 75 cm vs a 85 at first. With an 85 you tend to go side to side more. So if you are beginning I would say +1 for 75cm. Do you need to go to 85…i would say no…you won’t gain much on efficiency.

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Here’s some recent footage of Kane using a 70cm.
Kane de Wilde on Instagram: "A break from the north swell doesn’t mean a break from the action! Took the surf foil for some speed slalom and got some blazing kms. Trying a 70cm mast and really liking it!" and saying, “Trying a 70cm mast and really liking it!”
There are a lot of advantages to shorter, most already mentioned above. Learning where the top is being the downside though breach recovery is also easier. Many people used the Go Foil V1.5 68cm for years downwinding and still do well on it.

For sure a shorter mast is easier to pop up.
Plus it should be more rigid.
Less mast in the water.
Probably something like you are closer to the source of energy (front wing closer to the surface.

With my Lift wings, I use both a NoLimitz 72 and a Lift 82.
As I don’t have any race objectives, I prefer the Lift 82 which gives more margin of error for carving.

For light conditions, I still use the NoLimitz 72.