Foiling with damaged ACL?

Curious who is foiling with knee injuries? About 2 months ago I ruptured my ACL and tore the meniscus. I have been pre-habing prior to surgery and its starting to feel strongish. I’m thinking flat water winging might be doable braced up?

If you have a hard brace to stabilize and you meniscus isn’t bothering you, you’ll be fine.

That’s kind of my thinking, I do have a nice Breg Fusion Xt brace as well.

Hi Marcus

I’m a physio who works heavily with ACL injured patients
Happy to discuss further, its pretty hard to give generic advice without a detailed history
i also recommend checking out our facebook group. Myself and some colleagues run the page
ACL + meniscus tear recovery without surgery.
feel free to send me an emial if you like

I also tore my ACL in 2019, I havent had surgery and foil as normal

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