Mast foot standard, industry standard interfaces

And the Cabrinha is a “conical” (non-parallel) socket.

Considering most foil brands have been through multiple generations of connections, it’s pretty optimistic that they would standardize across brands…

Here are all the possible connections:

  1. Board-to-baseplate (or tuttle doodad)
  2. Baseplate-to-mast
  3. Mast-to-bottom adapter/doodad
  4. doodad(or mast)-to-fuse
  5. fuse-to-FrontWing
  6. FrontFuse-to-RearFuse
  7. Fuse-to-stab
    Did I miss any?

So all manufacturers have #1?
All aluminum masts, but no carbon masts, have #2?
Cedrus, Axis aluminum, etc have #3?
Most (but not Armstrong), have #4?
Most, but not AK, have #5?
Gong, but not most, have #6?
Most, but not Gong, have #7?
No manufacturers (I hope) have ALL 7?
It seems like you’d need a minimum of 3 connections to allow for transport?

I’m going to add a tab to this spreadsheet for connection types, so we can attempt to track them all:

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Looks like Lift is releasing a click in system for the fuse to mast and mast to board interface:

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