This foil was used very little and is in like new condition. Thought I could use it for prone but was too difficult for paddle prone for my level. I’m willing to let both wing and fuse go for $200 + ship. If you want more pics or video, send direct message with your phone.
Price reduction: $150 for foil and fuse and will share shipping cost.
DM if interested.
I’m curious what made this difficult for your level?
Willing to sell just the fuse? Thank you, jason, 732-403-4576
I’m interested in both
Where would it be shipping from ?
my zip code is 93444
It stalled too fast, wasn’t able to pump out but it’s solid for winging!
if I cannot sell both together, then I’ll sell separate. I’ll see what happens here and can let you know
The Vyper 150 + Fuse is SOLD