What’s new from FoilDrive? Gen 3?

Thinking of pulling the trigger on the FD2 but wondering if anything new on horizon I should wait for instead.
Also, what are the essential extra items you need to order to make the overall (setup, use, cleaning, storage) experience easier?

Foildrive don’t do yearly upgrades or version changes, these happen throughout the year as problems are fixed or modifications incorporated.
The latest is the new motors, with the ability to change cable length without changing the stator, much cheaper option than buying a whole new stator.
If buying a new kit a second battery is a must have, that will give you about 1:15 on the water between charges.
The 3 blade prop is a nice upgrade, more punch and smoother water entry.
The titanium M8 bolts will stop any damage to the base unit, the full threads on the stainless bolts can chew into the base unit slots if not aligned correctly.
A spare controller in case you get a failure and don’t want to loose water time waiting for a warranty replacement.

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Great info, thx

I don’t see think we will see a gen3 anytime soon.
I agree with everything Airsails said.
I would add that hydrofoil wings crews are a must have they speed the setup time by 10x.

I would also add, buy a few spares of everything that will inevitably decay: remote springs, o-rings, propeller blades, screws of all size.

Get consumable : dialectics grease and Lanolin spray.

Get yourself a good prone board in the ~35 to 40L.
I see too many people riding a large boards for a long time because they don’t progress.
One day they try a smaller board and discover it’s easier and it was the large board that sucked, not them.

Get a Power and a Sport battery.
Power is the go to one for 90% of people and sessions.
But if sometimes you want more perf or flat water pump, the Sport battery is better (lighter).


What is the thread length on those titanium m8 bolts?

I can’t seem to find these. Where did you buy them?

episode 80 of the Generic Foiling Podcast with Paul Martin (Mr Foil Drive)—definitely worth a listen.

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