Which Axis Frontfoil to use with foil drive Gen2?

What Axxis Frontfoil would you suggest to use with FoilDrive Gen2 on a 45-Liter Board (my weight is 82kg) to ride small waves.

Which fuselage and stab to use with it?


(at the moment my plan is Spitfire 1180 or 1100)

you can get started on the 1100 - i’ve done it and i’m about your weight. 900 is fun in good waves but will be a challenge to get going on a board that small. i’ve used the adv+ short and ultra short and tried the 350p and i can’t remember which skinny. i prefer the 350.

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At 81kgs on a 30lts 5’4 board the Fireball 1070, short fuselage and Skinny 30 is my go to for upwind/downwind in 10-15 knots of wind.
I’ve got the FB1350 on order for lighter conditions.

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