Downwind wind/swell angles

@KDW that plot is really interesting, I keep coming back to it. Is there huge variance across big to small in terms of max angle? Can you comment on what you’re measuring there? I guess it can’t quite be an exact measure of wind angle, but just speeds based on judged wind angle? Would be cool to take a marine sensor rig just for science :smiley:

I used your plot to get a sense for how it matches when I extend some of the runs I’ve been doing where the wind angle gets awkward, it seems to match the limit of what I can do.

All my runs have swell and wind at different angles, and the interaction mostly ruins the ability to predict whether I can make certain angles. The swell seems to drive the direction at my level as much as the wind.

Here on an easy run not trying to cut, just cruising I think I could have taken the red line, as the swell was giving energy in that direction. (so I oriented the polar at the average of wind and swell…?)

On this run I was more constrained by the swell than the wind. I couldn’t cut more left (point any higher) on this run than the angle I did, despite it being almost mostly downwind, the side on swell seemed to make it really tricky.

(So the polar again is the combination of the wind and swell (assuming equal impact…))

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