After a couple of years i have decided to move from gofoil to another brand.
What i do have available locally is fone or kt.
I can rent and try fone but not kt.
I have tried the sk8 1050 and i really like it.
But i don’t know if there’s a better option than that one.
I wing all the time but not in flat water. I do try to ride small swell/bumps or go into some swell that ends up breaking in the beach.
Any help is appreciated.
They’re both very good. Let price make your decision. If you only want 1 foil, then you know you like the sk8. Go for it, don’t look back.
Or which 3 foils from which brand do you want more? Will you want to SUP DW? The KT would probably be the winner there with better low end for easier learning. How much do you love @KDW and want to support someone who willingly comes onto this forum and gives honest and earnest answers?
If you go KT, you most likely want the Nomad for winging. Go smaller than you imagine. 10% smaller than the comparable sk8 you liked. I think that’s the percentage they use.
You can almost buy 3 KT foils for the price of a 1050.
If i go by price, I’ll go with fone. Lot’s of second hand around here at very good price.
@Hdip if i go kt it’s exactly because @KDW
I think I’ll wait some time and see if i can try any kt foil.
If there’s only one downside for me on the kt is the alu fuselage
I was on Go foil. I switched to lift for reasons that aren’t relevant here. KT was not available. I had several good days riding KT equipment. I briefly demoed f1 a while back.
My vote would be 100% on KT. Go foil stuff is very forgiving to ride. KT is also very forgiving. Hard to breach, easy to ride through weird stuff. And excellent range of speed.
My opinion is that the F1 stuff may be great if your skill level can match it. I have the same experience with Lift.
I might even switch to KT. I found it was very forgiving and enjoyable to ride for my average skills. I actually miss that about go foil. I am primarily downwinding these days, and the Go full equipment just wasn’t cutting it for DW. But when I do go winging in waves, I really do miss go foil. It was just much easier and more forgiving, which allowed me to ride a little more aggressively when winging.
I went from gofoil to the f-one sk8, found the sk8 very easy to ride and my riding went to another level in a session or 2 on prone.
Code also has been great fun.
GoFoil is coming out with new DW and Prone masts and foils that look pretty good. According to Alex should be out late spring early summer.