New Axis is Whistling

Hey everyone,

My new Axis foil set (3 sets with my friends) is whistling loudly. We’re using Alu and carbon masts with Spitfire and ART V2 wings.

Is this a common issue with Axis?

How can we fix it?



In my experience it’s normal with Axis and gradually disappears over time (hundreds of sessions).

I would not call it an issue, it doesn’t affect the ride negatively, and if anything, it provides an audio indicator on your height on the mast and speed. I like it when proning and don’t see anything due to sun reflexion on the water.

I guess you are winging so the sound is continuous?
As for any brand, you can alter the trailing edge of the stab (make it smoother with sand paper) and see if it improves.

What tails are you using? I haven’t found it being linked to the front foil as much as the rear foil.

It’s common with a number of brands. Here is an explanation for why it happens and how you fix it

I had a whistling skinny 50, whistled with every foil / setup I tried. After a few runs it didn’t whistle as much. I haven’t sanded it yet, but I might.