New foil and Amos spitfire

Been foiling 6 months so forgive the newbie question Have the code 850s medium fuse and 150ar tail

With the spitfire having its inbuilt rocker the take offs are brutal in any sort of powerful swell even if it’s not bigger than chest high,

What would be the best way of shimming the board rocker out to make the lift so savage at the start?

Yeah, you need to shim the Spitfire minimum 1 degree. I shim mine 2 degrees with Unifoil and even then, it still has a bit of front foot heavy pressure.

Without the shimming, the board is, in my opinion, unrideable. There is just way too much front foot and like you said takeoffs will be pushing up against you a lot. But once you get the angles correct for your foil and stance its an amazing board. They dont describe this much in their website, so you have to figure this out on your own.

So plus 1 shim are you shimming tail mast or wing?

You are shimming the board, heres back when I was figuring this out myself

Thanks makes so looks like I need to try a 1* baseplate shim thick end at the nose end

Thick side at the tail of the board, you’re trying to raise the tail of the board and lower the nose relative to foil

Ahh ok thankyou

Is that only for Amos boards what about appletree. Does it ever make sense to experiment with a shim to see if it would pump better?

Only the Amos Spitfire model specifically, it has 2 degrees of tail rocker and if you want it flattened out you shim it 2 degrees.