Pumping with offset stance

Doing some dockstarting in the weekend and it was pointed out to me that I had an offset stance that was / could harm my pumping efficiency. I looked down and sure enough my stance is well offset. I tried to centre it up but I felt a sense of loss of roll control. I think I’ve developed this stance unconsciously in the surf because I have small feet. Should I try to correct my stance for pumping or let it be? Thanks

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Instead of messing up your surf stance get comfortable shifting your feet back and forth when your pumping vs riding. You can switch back and forth for your ride to have the best footing for whatever your doing at the time

I’m offset and can flat water pump for 3:32 (@200lbs). Lots of guys way better than me are offset also

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No need to fix if it ain’t broken

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Good to hear

Curious what foil this is on?

Good advice, cheers

Axis 1150 for dock, Progression 140 in the surf

3:32 was on axis 1300 (I think I could improve that time if I went for it earlier in the session). I can do about the same on Armstrong 1880. Over two mins on Axis 1150. Over a min on progression 170.

It’s been a long time since I tried the p170… Could probably do 1:30 now (just guessing)

That’s good for the 170! My best is 45 seconds on it but I was smoked at the end. I’m 210 so I’ll blame it on the extra cargo😂

I float between 197 and 204lbs

Offset stance allows for better control of wide span wings. It places the heel of your front foot and the ball of the rear foot right on the rails.

I am actively trying to get some offset in my stance dockstarting like I have with winging. I find it way easier to rotate my hips and shoulders forward with a bit of an offset stance, and I find that rotation really important for projecting forward with my pumps and especially getting my front foot weighted up and the nose down when I need to build speed.

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I’ve been wondering the same thing as I work on learning to pump…

…while its on a narrow DW board…here’s a shot of James Casey’s feet on a downwind run:

Oskar seems a bit more centered

One idea I’ve taken to heart is that you should move your feet a lot based on conditions, setup etc.

Wide foil, offset your feet to increase leverage. Square your feet for a rest bringing them close together. Line them up and move back foot back for better control in the surf