Hey folks I’d love to get thoughts on peoples experiencing sup downwind as opposed to foil drive downwind. I started on foil drive downwind on a ML. Just hitting the trigger and then downwinding from there. I’m considering however trying to go manual and get into proper sup paddle downwind. Keen to hear if anyone has done similar and really if it is worth it. I don’t want to have a total ball breaking journey as I don’t have too much time to dedicate it. But since I have some sup surf / foil experience in the past and can foil downwind ok once up I’m hopeful I can pull it off. Don’t also want to find out I hate sup downwind. Also can’t really just demo stuff so it’s a buy and commit scenario.
How is the journey from trigger to paddle going?
I’m Interested to hear more about your experience so far.
For instance what part of the world are you in and how long are your FD DW runs? Foil size you are using?
Thanks for the post