Wanted: Gen 1 Unifoil Hyper 230/250

Does anyone have an old first generation hyper (230 or 250) gathering dust they’d like to part with? I’m looking to add a dock start setup to my quiver.
Also, if anyone has an argument that this isn’t a good idea please chime in and save me some wasted time/money :grinning:
Ps, located in Portland, Oregon

I have a 210 if you’re interested. Here’s the Facebook listing link: Redirecting...

250 hyper 1 would work well as dockstart foil. Managed 1 min 20 secs on it and certainly not fit.

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Bumping this.
Anyone have a large hyper/hyper2 wing they’re interested in selling?

have a Hyper 2 , 250 for sale