AFS Silk HA tails

Does anyone have specs for these tails? I can’t find span and chord listed anywhere!
HA38 HA40 HA43

Any has anyone got any feedback or comparisons to other similar tails like the KD Marlin, KD Race, Axis skinny, etc?

OK, so I found some specs, but not the HA38/40/43


Surface (cm2) Span (mm) Aspect Ratio Cord max (mm) Thickness max (mm) Construction Weight (kg) Screw size Compatibility
132 300 6.8 58.8 7.1 UHM Carbon 0.1 12 All AFS fuselages
142 320 7.2 58 7 UHM Carbon 0.1 12 All AFS fuselages
152 340 7.6 57.3 6.9 UHM Carbon 0.1 12 All AFS fuselages

Silk HA

Surface (cm2) Span (mm) Aspect Ratio Cord max (mm) Thickness max (mm) Construction Weight (kg) Screw size Compatibility
135 380 11.9 43 6.5 HM Carbon 0.1 M6x12 mm All AFS fuselages
145 405 11.3 43 6.5 HM Carbon 0.1 M6x12 mm All AFS fuselages
155 430 10.6 43 6.5 HM Carbon 0.1 M6x12 mm All AFS fuselage

Those are the ha38 40 and 43, those are named by the span as their surface area matched existing stabilizers… not ideal but helps the numbers not be doubled up

ok, makes sense now.
By The Way for those looking carefully, they screwed up and swapped the aspect ratio calculation for the 38 and 43. Should be:

Surface (cm2) Span (mm) Aspect Ratio
135 380 10.6
145 405 11.3
155 430 11.9
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