Am I crazy to buy the Enduro 1300 at 68 kg?

The largest wings I own are a Uni P170 and AFS Pure 1100.

My prone daily driver is primarily the Silk 850 / Enduro 900.

However, interested in feeling out a larger wing while learning to SUP/DW and maybe even learn dock/beach starts.

For those who have tried the Enduro 1300 - what are your thoughts? AFS recommends the 1100 for my weight but I already have two wings around that size.

Sooo am I crazy to buy the 1300 at 68 kg?

Similar situation here but with KT foils, After chatting with KT guys I decided to make my life easier and get Atlas 1300 for learning flat water paddleups and DW. Still waiting for the DW board, so no real life feedback yet

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I’m 90kg and got the 1540s and whilst I’ve only had 2 sessions on it with my dw board it definitely doesn’t feel too big. It is too big for prone foil perhaps because the 1300 pumps better. But for dw flat water paddle ups I could probably even go a size larger.

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same weight, just got a 1300, had a my first couple of sessions

I’m riding the Ultra 750 and Silk 850. If you can’t downwind already then definitely go for it, save yourself some time.

My biggest concern was would the mast be stiff enough, but no issues there, it’s great.
I’ll probably switch it for the 1100 eventually, as I can downwind the 750 and don’t need such a big foil, but decided to go for it for cross training.

In tiny tricky prone conditions it’s a complete session saver. Will be very useful, had fun in otherwise impossible conditions. Hopefully figure out 30-60min on foil

Downwind, huge change from the 750, very slow, almost harder than the fast foil because can’t skip bumps so have to cut back a lot, but lots of fun, and stiff mast is epic. Surprising how often I fell, but I think just getting used to it, also conditions were light (15kn bay run), so was definitely a saver for the run, but surprisingly a very different style than the Ultra. Thought I would ace it after the prone session, instead just kept getting caught trying to go too fast.

Sup surf in bigger waves, really good, nice paddle ups, handles speed better than expected, easy and fun.

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I’ve recently bought an enduro 1300 although I only weigh 75kgs. Loving it for downwind small days and dock starting. Having used big foils in the past I found it much more enjoyable. It turns well for its span and feels pretty slippery, not too draggy when pumping.
It’s a bit liftier than a Progression 200 with more glide and arguably better turning but slightly higher stall speed.
No regrets here!


i’m 68kg as well, really enjoying my Enduro 700/1100/1300 quiver. Using the 1300 for dock starts(mast shim for more lift), have SUP’d it in gutless TX swell, and winged it with dw board/6m wing in liiight wind. Love it. It’s fast for size, turns great(Short fuse, stab in short position), breaches amazing. I’m sure you will enjoy.


Sweet, just pulled the trigger.

Will share my thoughts once I get on it!


I just had a prone session on 1300+ ha38+short fuse that was way bigger than expected, some chunky sets and some critical takeoffs

Surprisingly smooth, I continue to be surprised by how pitch stable the AFS foils are at high speed. Reminds me of the Kujira tail that effectively removed the overspeed feeling of my pp140.

I haven’t managed to get it feeling easy to roll around and push through turns at all and to be honest I don’t really expect to get much in area, but I’d like a much smaller tail as I only have the ha38 and the 142

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Woah prone with 1300!?

Could you pump like crazy?

I chopped the tips off of my HA40 and it loosened it up quite a bit (not specific to the 1300). The tail has a lot of profile, so it was tricky to sand it down/taper to the tips, but its now a favorite of mine. Could be worth a shot with that HA38 if you are looking to loosen it up.


I saw Adam did the same thing with his! He was riding a chopped HA40 with the Flux707 in Fiji last year.

I’ll have to try it!



this looks cool, need the glide too much to chop just yet, but would love to!

Related, I’d love to chop the Ultra and ha38 down as a pair for ultra big dw

Yeah it’s a wonky bay with crazy reverb and lots of moving water, so we ride big foils quite a lot to deal with the mess, this was the best of the big I think, very smooth.

Sorry if I missed it - you say you weren’t having problems with mast flex on the 1300, but which mast are you on?

Ah no I didn’t say, I’ve been on the 80 UHM and it has been something of a joy


Hey @TheFoilKook - I’m 70-72Kg

Took my first try on the Enduro 1300 yesterday for an upwind wing / deflate / downwind paddle to test things -
Conditions: 17 - 22knots / 1.3 to 1.4m - 6 secs swell (really small, mostly wind bumps)
Enduro 1300 - Short Fuse - HA38 on the short fuse position.

I wanted to test my new 7’6" x 16,7" 90L custom board so - all the quiver was new to me (although the board I’ve been already testing the mast position wingin on the ULTRA 750)

Winging - I was really impressed with the ease of use of such a “big foil” - I was expecting some more unruly front foot pressure and breaches at speeds (since I had more than enough wind for my 3m D-Lite) - but ride was really comfty and easy to manage.
Pitch was not unstable in terms of I was able to find my “feeting” - but it was too pitchy, I think due to having the HA38 which is too small IMO to compensate and stabilize the big boy - also I feel it was a mistake to use it in the short fuse position. Pitch was too sensitive to front foot pressure and tended to ride a bit nose down (the whole opposite of what I was expecting). As mentioned before - found my “feeting” positioning myself a bit more in the back of the board (more than with the ULTRA) and close my feet so I applied the less pressure possible. I found my balance and all was good.
I think I’ll use the HA40 - shim the back screw - and place it in long position on the short fuselage to add more pitch stability and glide.

Roll - wasn’t bad, took me some time to figure the timing, but was doable enough for doing gybes and keeping myself in the power zone when gliding the bumps with the paddle on the downwind. It’s tricky but at 1190mm span - it’s very good for having it moved by a lightweight rider like me - so it’s enjoyable knowing it’s not gonna be a SILK kind of carving.

Gliding thru the small - short period - going super slow was a delight in its way - also being able to accelerate to fun speed and not breaching once (well I did breach once, but incredebly recovered from it and didn’t lost flight) - Garming showed 26km/h top speed.
Paddling it up once I found my balance on the new board - was really easy - and I see myself keeping the Enduro 1300 for downwinding on those short period lousy days with 12 to 15 knots and almost no swell -

gonna keep testing it in small prone and sup surf days - wanna test for how long I can keep connecting double dips - in glassy small days.

Not a crazy idea to have a 1300 at our weight range definetly!


Oh - forgot to complement -
I was on the UHM 80 mast - no flex issue at all - felt prettty “normal” -
Kind of weird, I feel more flex when using the ULTRA 750 - I suppose the ULTRA being so UHA and fast applies great forces to the mast and itself -
While the 1300 has more span - it has more area to distribute the forces -

It’s just an uneducated guess :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: - does this makes any sense?

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Well - had a second go on the ENDURO 1300
this one - only DW SUP - so no heavy wet wing and bag on my back.

Today went to the other extreme with the stab to test pitch stability - lift and low end -
HA43 - short fuse / long position - shim in the back screw.
1 to 1.3m - 5-6 seconds period - 17 knots with gusts over 20+

Felt way more balanced - less pitch sensitive and more controlled - low end is improved and didn’t feel like the foil felt any bigger or any more uncontrollable.

Still a bit sensitive a bit sensitive to excesive front foot pressure - so just positioned myself a bit further back in the board and the foil just glided and glided - Reached a bit more speed today 29,7km/h max speed according to my garmin. And had my slowest speed almost fastest run since I was able to take a line where I wouldn’t usually enter because of backwash and tricky conditions - no issue for the 1300 - and was also able to go super slow and then a couple recovery pumps to the next bump and gone I was - only fell once.

This foil is opening so much more possible sessions on small days I wouldn’t even think of sending before - and having fun, cause the glide and carve it’s still there to have some fun in what before were trashy conditions.

Really happy with this foil ! It’s definetly staying in my quiver -