AFS Enduro - Yet another whale style wing

Tubercule style wings with AR 11.
No monobloc fuselage.


Heard from a m2o winner (won’t name the year) that he thought the bumps add drag

When you hit 35mph down the face of a wave and feel like you can still go faster, I don’t think they feel draggy either.:grin:


Did you find similar low end between the Silk and Enduro?

Im leaning towards Enduro because it will be much easier to travel with. I’ve also been told its a more robust build than the Silk which is appealing to me. Like that the wings are cheaper and I can reuse the fuse if I ever added another Enduro. That said - the all-in cost of the Enduro is pretty similar to the Silk once you add a fuse.


Thanks for the info. I’ll have to get an Enduro out to try it.

I am using a NoLimitz V2 78cm mast.

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Yes. I have not ridden The AFS 75. I have ridden the 80, and I find no noticeable difference. As I want to be able to carry a quiver with one mast, the Nolimitz has done that for me.

The 850 is my favorite foil, so hard to imagine replacing that one, but I’m curious! Probably won’t pick it up until the winter, but I will report back when I have some time on it.


I’m curious about the Enduro, specifically the 700 or 900 and how they fit with the Silks. I have the Silk 850/1050 and love them but toying with adding an Enduro.
I got the 850 first, love at first ride. The 1050 seems to have a lot lower stall speed without giving much vs the 850. Probably could have gone 1050/650.
The additional glide of the Enduro seems like it would be good at times (as well as ease of travel) but probably a lot of overlap between the sizes?? An 800 Enduro would fit nicely, haha.


Are there 4 fuse lengths or do the 2 fuses just have 2 mount points? I’m only seeing 2 fuse lengths. Which fuse and mount did you use for the 700?

I heard Laurent Borgna was saying the enduro 700 has been developped with the long fuse, stab in the shorter position. The short fuse has been added for bigger sizes enduro.

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I heard from Gwen when ordering that the long and short fuses differ in the spacing btwn mast and foil, NOT mast and tail. I hadn’t heard there are two tail mounts, that’s great!

I just spent 2 hours in waist-high waves on the 900 + short fuse w/ chopped prog stab and oh boy that thing is awesome. Incredible low end and turns wayyyy better than I expected with AR of 11. I did have to move my stab back to the further slot because it was almost too turny at first.

I’ve been primarily riding uni the past year but this 900 + the silk 850 seem like the perfect quiver for my area. Highly recommend !


How does the pump compare to progression 140/170?

I was surfing at a point break with waves so long that I was too tired to pump much towards the end but I’ll take it out again tomorrow and spend more time pumping. The limited pumping I did do felt very solid but I need more time to feel it out.

That said, check this out: Kirahu Thibaud on Instagram: "Sunset ride 🌅 @afsfoils @lolfoil enduro 900 @toasurfscreen"


Alright just spent another hour on it. Granted it was on my midlength which I don’t pump quite as well yet (still getting it dialed) but I was getting 2 for 1 connections with ease on the 900 + chopped prog 14.5.

Compared to my P140/170 I would say the 170 definitely out pumps the Enduro 900 but the 140 and 900 are similar (for pumping but the 900 surprisingly turns better with short fuse). The low end does really impress me on the 900 as I was able to paddle into unbroken knee to waist high waves (almost breaking) on my 5’6 55L Enigma, get to my feet, ollie onto foil and ride the wave 500+ft without a single pump needed.

I used to pair my 170 with my midlength for days like today riding at higher tide but I honestly don’t see a need to use anything bigger than the Enduro 900 now (I’m 68kg btw).

Stoked to take it out on my 4’6 TM19 the next day we have good surf. Will report back after I get more time on it.

Also - unrelated - but something about the combination of Portal boards with Alien Foiling System foils just feels right haha.


Upon receiving my long fuse and 1100 I compared it against my K2 fuse since I was conflicted about the fuse choice. Mast to foil distance is as I said the only difference apparently but afs long is shorter there than K2. Looks like the shorter tail location is same as k2. Texture is interesting, kind of rough. Will fd with it tomorrow.


I’ve had a hard time learning prone and have only occasionally made connections. With FD so far I’ve just been able to pump a couple of times before pulling the trigger. Today on 1100 came close to connection 2 times and did once. It feels like it wants to accelerate more than anything I’ve tried before. Made me feel like I can actually pump. Turns very well but did get locked into a couple of turns I think due to span but I think I can figure it out. TLDR: Love it.

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Really want to pull the trigger on an Enduro setup…thinking the 80cm UHM mast as a good compromise for DW in sloppy, crossed up bumps with current . How are folks liking the 80? I usually ride 74/75. Cheers!

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I love my 80! Especially with HA wings like the Enduro - it’s nice having a bit more mast to play with when carving tighter. I wouldn’t go shorter.

Hearing that these Enduros ride very fast for the given size, but also have a lot of lift.

Just picked up a 700, but probably won’t have conditions to give it a go for a little bit. Looks absolutely sick and the build quality and connection seem very solid and well-engineered.