Anhedral HA stabs

I had a rough time trying to pair a KD Blunt with a P170 yesterday and started to wonder about this. With the steady increase in AR, I’m surprised we haven’t seen anhedral in stabilizer shapes yet. The angle would be subtle enough that there shouldn’t be a loss of downward traction in the pump. It’s not like pushing a deep V shape downwards. Any ideas?

Edit: There seems to be a tradeoff between pumping/stability and turning/speed when it comes to tails. Wouldn’t anhedral help blur those lines and create a fast HA tail that pumps, glides, and can still roll into turns easily?

Turns out that’s what the new Afterburner tails are doing.

Looks like they stole your idea. Hopefully your copyright went though!?!

While you’re dropping ideas for companies to steal, maybe you can advise them not to do a product release during the Chinese new year…

gofoil have had these for years