Cabarete DR foiling intel

Looking for feedback on wingfoiling in Cabarete. Specifically launches and where to stay. Planning to be there in March and haven’t been there before.

I recognize Kite Beach and Playa Cabarete are the place to be for winging, but due to a variety of factors (primarily keeping the non-kiting famila happy, and not interested in staying at a big hotel or resort) looking at houses at Encuentro or Playa Secreta. I can easily drive to Kite Beach, but are either Encuentro or Playa Secreta doable for foiling? Seems like one of the reefiest breaks there (Destroyers) is at Encuentro - right near the house I would be renting, which gives me some pause - winging in waves is no issue, but shallow reef obviously doesn’t work. Are there channels deep enough to foil here, or is this a no-go area for winging? I read somewhere the surf schools won’t let you kite or wing in some areas too, but unclear where these are. Seems like Playa Secreta is a bit more protected, any thoughts on launching around that area (reefy)?

If neither of these launches works, what’s the parking situation at Playa Cabarete and Kite Beach? Any issue dropping a car and launching at these spots?

Thanks for any intel.

I didn’t see anyone winging in the Encuentro area, I think it would be pretty difficult to get through the breaking waves.

Parking and launching from kite club would probably be the easiest.

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I winged and prone foiled both playa encuentro and playa secreta. No real issues at all. The only downside is that the wind is (more) side-onshore there versus kite beach. I was only there a few days, so no idea the range of swell conditions.

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Iv spent a few winters down there a while back. Before winging was a thing. I used to kite Encuentro all the time. That being said I don’t think it’s would be very wing friendly. It’s shallow for a while out so you’d have to get out into deeper water and there is no channel so you’re gonna be getting pounded by waves. Further up from encuentro about halfway to kite beach can be fun I used to prone there. Way easier of an entry into the water and then waves on the outside to ride

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I’ve got a buddy who spent 2 months there this past winter. I’ll try to get some info for ya.

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I have been many times and go twice a year in summer and winter, I’ve stayed all over and kited/surfed/winged/foiled all over. I have not brought the family and just go with some friends each time, we have narrowed it to this formula:
stay at kitebeach, wake up at sunrise and surf/foil encuentro, get protein shakes and espressos at the food trucks under the tree canopy at encuentro then head back to the house. Relax for an hour then wind starts to blow and head out for a wing session (usually start w/5m and prog170). Come in for lunch at a restaurant nearby and chill then head out in another hour with prog125 and just keep going on/off until 6pm. Massage at the pool and dinner. Repeat.

Here are my observations/opinions.

Overall setup: Cabarete is composed of two bays, one large (cabarete beach) and one small (kite beach) then a bit of no-mans land downwind until you get to the surfing beach (Encuentro). Glassy mornings with 15+knots regularly starting around 10-11am and going to dark. Swell is good and can be epic. Water is warm, air is warm, reef is mellow, very safe and minimal crime at all, nice people.

Cabarete Beach is the main town where you can walk the beach to different restaurants and some shops. The water is not as clear and there is a bit of a wind shadow but it’s a large beach and has a great deep reef for foiling about 1/4 miles offshore (too far to paddle). With any decent swell this reef is the spot to be, the waves break and then you get a big fast roller that goes forever. This is probably the best place to stay with the family. Lodging recs include: Villa Taina, Millenium, Ultravioleta, or Palm Beach Condos.

Kite Beach is the next shallow bay downwind, the reef is much closer and shallower (about waist deep at low tide). You can paddle and prone it in the morning. This is where I like to stay. The negative is that it’s a drive from town (cabarete beach) and there’s essentially nothing to do at night once Xtreme Hotel shuts down after dinner. Great conditions for winging, you will get really long rides that turn into rollers inside the reef but it gets too big for foil easily. Agualina or condo is the only good lodging here.

Encuentro is the surfing beach. There’s 3-4 peaks and it’s shallow reef, maybe waist deep. If there’s any significant swell you will have a really hard time getting out with a wing. I don’t think I’ve ever winged here but it’s awesome for surfing and kitesurfing. It’s a decent place to stay with the family but about 10 minute drive from the main town. Beaches are the most beautiful here and the surf is great. I’ve stayed here a few times and it’s cool but you basically will need to haul your gear to kitebeach to wing. For kite it’s fine because you can stay here and get a ride up to Cabarete and ride all day then downwind here at the end but it’s borderline too shallow to foil here and may be boring for the family. I’ve proned here a lot, you have to ask the surf instructors where to go, it’s upwind a ways to a foil area that is great for prone, don’t paddle out at the main breaks. Lodging: rent one of those houses right at the beach or check out Natura Cabana, that place is awesome.

Playa secreta is just a small area between kitebeach and encuentro, there is a good prone spot there, relatively deep and empty.

Let me know if you have any questions, I have a buddy who has lived there for 20 years and is a surf guide who can take you all over to great spots and show you the land if you are interested. Also I have the contact of a massage lady (old lady, not prostitute/sketchy) who can come set up a table at your place for cheap and give you massages everyday which is awesome after surf/prone/winging for 10hours straight.


  • Food is good, not super cheap, never gotten sick/diarrhea.
  • Bring mostly cash.
  • Fly into Puerto Plata, great airport. Driving is pretty hectic, I’ve rented scooters there before and it’s not the best idea.