Code 770R vs Lift 110X?

Which wing is faster and glides longer during downwind?

Lift 110 is faster
Code 770R is easier overall : takeoff, pumping, stall speed.

The 110x is faster, then the 770R but much harder to get up and go.
The 110X Florence has a slower speed vs the 110X
But still faster than the 770R in general terms on top end.

The 770R glides further, with less effort.
So for glide and speed over time, The 770R wins.

Size for size…wouldn’t the 680r be closer to the 110x?

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20-25 knots, both riders similar size weight. 770 is faster from start of run to finish.

Sure other factors are involved, but ability between riders is similar enough for a comparison of the foils used. I think the 110 needs more wind or better conditions to make up for the low end. But then I guess code rider would be on 680 at that point.

Edit: this is on first 110 version, i think there is a newer model now…