Dawn Patrol Foil Tracking is here

I just got a new beta version notification. Foil option is back!


I saw a setting where you can invert the display so you can still wear the watch on your preferred wrist but the crown will be on the other side. Haven’t tried it yet but plan to see if it works.

My beta version expired after 90 days. I had to find the link to the beta version from May 2023 email and reinstall beta again.

Now it’s working on the watch once more. Without the Foil Surfing option the app has been terrible.

Do you have that link?

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I got back from my first session using the new foil surfing beta. Unfortunately, I got water in my Apple Watch SE somehow. It started trying to call 911 over and over again (luckily it didn’t have cellular connected). Then went dead. When I put it on the charger it got hot and salt started to crystallize from around the border of the screen.

Has anyone else gotten water in their Apple Watch? Wondering how uncommon this is and if I should get another or find something else.

I have had mine inadvertently get stuck in a locked position while surfing/foiling. It dried out and worked eventually…Hope yours does the same.

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My dawn patrol stopped opening a few sessions ago, so before my last session I deleted and reinstalled the app without the beta and now it works.

Has anyone tried the beta version of the foil surf tracking app called Old Man’s Watch - It has live tracking for speed, distance, and on board time

Apparently foil mode has come to the latest version of the app (no longer beta) but I can’t see it in there. Anyone else had more success or any suggestions?

Shows that we should be able to pick “Foil surfing” but I don’t see anything. I’ve found that the tracking is pretty inaccurate at the start of the ride. Hoping this makes it better.

Yep foil tracking working well for me on my watch ultra. Just make sure you have your phone updated to IOS17 and watch to OS10

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Thanks drc, just updated phone & watch & have the new foil surf option now - no more beta.

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Me too thanks drc. Now to go test it. Fingers crossed.

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I am not liking the watch OS and DP update. It dramatically increases battery draw and I have crazy wave tracking including chopped up waves and waves where I was not even foiling. Doesn’t seem to matter whether I select foiling or surfing. Anyone have issues?


I haven’t noticed any tracking improvement with the foil surfing mode. Tracks seem rough (not precise) and the start/stop of waves doesn’t seem very accurate either.

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it seems to be getting worst. It recorded a top speed of 550 km/h, during my last downwind :wink:

Agreed on the battery drain & the beta foil definitely seemed to be more accurate……looking forward to the next update.