If you could have unfettered travel around the US from April until Septemberish, and you wanted a good mix of prone, downwinding, with a little winging thrown into the mix (and hate 4/3 wetsuits) how would you do it?
I was thinking something like:
April - June: Florida for some chill prone vibes.
June - August: Edit: Sorry meant Maui! Spaced out. Maui for winging & DWing with some prone mornings.
August - September: Hood for AWSI and DWing.
April-May Maui - still some swell and plenty of wind
June - SF bay area, Sherman island for warm DW and winging, Crissy to wing under the bridge, Santa Cruz for open ocean DW and winging
July- August, Hood river
September, Punta San Carlos in Baja - not USA, but still…insane prone and wing point break