I just sold my Armstrong 6’8"/96L board, I loved it and think it is a good design (I’m 72kilo), but have another board with similar dims, so want to go longer/more volume to broaden the quiver and for bigger sloppier conditions. I’m looking at Takoon, Appletree, and AFS. In the mid-7’s length and in the 103-110L volume, widths in the 19/20" range. All these boards are expensive, so I really like the idea of the hydrophobic foam and build quality of Appletree, and possibly Takoon. AFS has a 2-year warrantee, and no vent plug, so I’m assuming they are also using a closed cell foam in their construction. Takoon pricing is much lower, perhaps due to direct factory sales and new/small company. Any personal experience on any of these boards? Please state if you’re affiliated. Cheers!
I have the smallest(75L)Takoon ultra glide, for winging/desperate prone. So far I love it. If I was in the market for another dw board I’d look at the escape I think it’s called. I think I might be only closed cell from now on. I like apple tree too but my understanding of hydrodynamics and experience with one prone board makes me question their tail shapes. I think they might be too sticky. Takuma boards might be closed cell but I’m waiting to see how my morning sun holds up before recommending. Not affiliated. I wouldn’t want to join a club that would have me as a member…
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