Help me pick my next foil: Gong vs Axis

I’m 90kg, 40 years old, mostly kitefoil, but have a few sessions of wing/tow/e-foil.

I’m looking to buy 1 new front wing for learning to pump, microsurf prone (knee to thigh-high), and learning winging with 5m (I can almost stay upwind). I’m hoping to do it all with one new front wing.

I’m already bought into the Axis (red fuse), and Gong (alluvator) systems, so I’d like to stick with them.

(constantly updating, based on feedback)
For Axis I’d be looking at the 1150, 1300, or 1310(No).
For Gong I’d be looking at the Sirius 116 and 136, or maybe Curve-H or Fluid-H?

1310 is no good. 1300 is the best out of the three.

Sirus 136 is nice though a bit tracky. 1300 may be a bit more userfriendly

The last foil I talk about here is the Sirius 116

Great pumping and micro bump foil for me, works ok on the 75cm alu mast and great in the hm 85cm. Agree the 136 is a bit too much of a one trick pumping pony to be an allrounder, also at that span it really needs the stiffness of the 72 or 77cm hm mast to shine.

Pretty sure the 1300 has better top end and glide than the Sirius 116, low end I am less sure about. The 116 has a very lifty section and low stall speed. How any of these would work for light wind with a 5m depends very much on your board and takeoff skill.

Thanks. I’ve eliminated the Axis 1310 from my list of possibilities.

the board matters a lot! DW board is much much better for light wind

That’s what I keep hearing! I don’t think I’ll have the patience to keep learning winging in light wind, but I bet a DW board is in my future.

In the meantime, I’m hoping to pick one new foil front wing.

I just ordered a Gong Sirius 136.

Axis 1300 sounded good, but I couldn’t find one in-stock, except at inflated prices.

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I used an Axis 1300 as my first foil for winging. The amount of lift made breaches difficult to control and the span made learning gybes much more difficult.

When I got an HPS 930 everything became easier.

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Interesting. I had always heard that Axis 1300 was a good choice for light wind winging.

But HPS wings were designed specifically for winging, so good to hear they were better for you!

| I_draw_boxes
June 11 |

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I used an Axis 1300 as my first foil for winging. The amount of lift made breaches difficult to control and the span made learning gybes much more difficult.

When I got an HPS 930 everything became easier.

DrKnowNothing - can you give some feedback on the Siris 136?

I won’t have it until July. It was back ordered a few weeks.

I won’t have anything similar (large, high-aspect) to compare to.

But yes, I’ll share here whether it meets my expectations, based on the research I did before purchasing.

| ICSurf
June 12 |

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DrKnowNothing - can you give some feedback on the Siris 136?