“Mid-length” prone boards?

Yo Mike! Thought that was San O haha - show me the way!! Good to see you here

Don Ta

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Anyone have any experience with this Amundson model? If so what dimensions are you riding and what do you think?

Been using my Appletree DW 7-7 on crowded days with long paddles back out. Just got a new mid-length 5-4 50L and loving it. Now looking at getting something to fill the gap, maybe 5-10 x 19 x 55L.


Has anyone ridden both the Amos Sultan Prone and the Portal Enigma? These look like 2 best options excluding custom local shapers. Anyone have the chance to compare them?

Looking for an easy board for high tide that can also crossover as a wing board. Roughly 5 ft length, 18-19 width, about 50-55L. I’m 170 lbs.

I’m wondering if the 4 5/8 thickness on the Sultan is too thick, and the 18 inch width quite narrow for knee starts winging. I could ask for a custom 18.5-19" width that is thinner and 50L. But if anyones winged the Sultan and says the knee starts are fine in the stock dimensions that would be good to know.

I am curious about the same exact thing. I’m going to shape a new prone/wing board and these are the two boards that I am looking at imitating. wondering if the larger planing surface area of the enigma is more important than the extra girth/buoyancy of the sultan for winging.The goal is to not have to change over to my downwind board when the wind is light.

So Ive been on a midlength for a few months now (DC crossing 5’5 x 20 x 55L)
excels in small mushy stuff and pumps well for size
im finding it a struggle when theres more energy, feel like im getting blasted and getting to feet is a real struggle (goes from 0-100 quick), plus its relatively narrow for length and thickness so foot placement has to perfect in the middle, anyone else finding this with these midlengths?

Yeah that was my immediate impression on trying one is that they will be hard to ride, and not great for beginners. This was an 18" wide, but same impression as you.

I think the issue is the wide-point being forward means the back foot width is narrow and placement needs to be super precise. If riding small surf foils that is fine but not great for foils that need leverage or beginners that need leverage to turn.

I’ve been winging a Sultan Wing 5’10" x 18" wide for about six months (most of our spring and summer). As a single board quiver in anything from 10 knot flat water days to overhead open ocean swell.

I wouldn’t want to go narrower than 18". Like most things, it takes a while to settle. I had to abandon one or two downwind wing runs in 25 knot conditions when I just couldn’t get back on the board in the first month or so. It was quite frustrating and humbling. But now I can get up and going in just about any local conditions.

It’s been a terrific one-board quiver.


Hi guys. Very interested by this kind of one board quiver for both wing and prone. I live in Europe and unfortunately Amos and Portal both come too expensive when you add transportation costs and custom fees… What do you think of the new Appeltree design : Skipper DW Prone Apple Skipper DW Prone
Do you think it would suit my 72kg in 5’9 (57L) ? Any other ideas of a Europe built board with this kind of design ?

Have you looked into Swift foil boards? I think they are based in the UK, Iv seen photos of a midlength they’ve shaped that looks pretty sick!

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Thanks, nice boards indeed ! Though too bulky for me, looking for something with less volume

If you scroll up in this thread there is a swift midlength custom prone that is only 40liters

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both will do custom dimensions

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Hey vidap- the Swift mid-length further up the thread is mine. I deliberately kept the volume low so I could duckdive it easily. My daily driver is 22l so I’m not shy of low volumes but I wouldn’t want to go much lower volume in a mid length or it wouldn’t work for what it’s supposed to do. The Swift boys are really good and will tweak dims any which way you want. I really love mine - works a treat.

Hey everyone,

I am looking to build myself my mid lenght (5’6) prone board, and I am looking for some tips on the nose and tail rocker.
If some of you lucky owners of any midlenght could share the mesurement with me I will really appreciate !! Thanks

I think that recently, the latest mid-length iterations have a more rocker than earlier designs. I recently commissioned my local shaper to make me one… wing first, surf second. After a lot of research comparing shapes I noticed this about rocker. I also asked a few guys making newer designs and they all had a lot more rocker than I expected. I split the difference and didn’t add as much, but still more than older designs.

Main reason is, this board (6’2" 80L) is mainly for winging but with more of a tail kick to make it better in waves. I wouldn’t consider an 80L for prone unless it’s tiny, since I cannot duckdive that. But I did recently pick up an Appletree Slice V3 at 50L as an experiment. 50L is the limit I can duck-dive on a surfboard, so I plan to try this prone.

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I need your advice !

I was thinking of getting my father-in-law a board to get him into prone foiling. He’s an excellent wing foiler, but having never surfed, he has a lot of trouble paddling in general. So I was thinking of getting him a mid lenght 5’2 (Portal Enigma for example) so that he’d have a board that’s easier to paddle and that’ll enable him to catch a lot of waves easily.
I’m not worried that once he’s on the foil, he’ll be able to manage, because he’s got a very good level on the wing, even in waves, his problem is really about the paddling part.

Do you think this type of board is a good solution, or can you think of a better one?

Given that he’s winging with a 39L - 4’10 Armstrong, I wouldn’t want to go much bigger than 5’2 so that he doesn’t end up with something very bulky.

That should help. Going longer doesn’t require you to go high volume if you dont want to. Its possible to add length without bulk by just having the shaper keep it thinner. Given that his wing board is basically a prone board at 4’10 you could consider going even longer to give a bigger range.

This looks pretty rad from Gong. I wonder where things would go with this surfboard shape. I imagine it would be much easier to paddle than the conventional foil midlength. There was someone who bolted a foil to a longboard on one of the groups and it looked interesting.


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Much the opposite actually. The best paddling boards are always going to be displacement shapes (double ended pumpkin seed shape) vs something like this which is more of a planing hull. The planing hull will catch short period white water better with that wide tail but paddles too slow to catch longer period unbroken. Faster paddling double enders don’t have any junk in the trunk for white water but make up for it with faster paddling to catch unbroken. Because i mostly ride short period where i catch white water I ride a planing hull style shape (4’10" x 20" so i’d call that a midlenth) and its great but i dont paddle it any distance ever. I go out with people with more pulled in shapes and they paddle to the outer break while i’m chipping the shore break and pumping out.

Theres no “universal” approach best board shape or even foil program. Its all geographic and even style.