does no limitz work with multi foils? or is the adapter permanently installed?
Adapter is permanently installed but if you get your NL to fit the old Takuma mast (this is what I have so can only confirm 100% this works) you can order adapters to fit most brands from Stringy.
Adapters I have:
Topmick, are you happy with the adapters? Or are you losing some rigidity with them?
Hey there, yes I’m stilll happy with the adapters - the only wear is some of the anodising has worn off on my NL78V1.
I have no doubt that a single connection would be stiffer.
Just got the Code adapter & 1130S & it felt great…was a bit concerned as Code only use 6mm bolts on their mast/fuse connection.
Maybe I should try it again, but my takuma1 NL mast to takuma 2 adapter had so much flex that I never tried it in the water. Both connections there I could feel it moving with my fingers.
It’s good to hear other people’s experience, I like the idea of having one mast for several wing brands.
This is second hand, but I’ve heard many of the NL Takuma adapters are pretty big, clunky and draggy. Putting aside flex, I have heard they make a very efficient mast, much less efficient.
I considered Takuma NL as a universal option, but was told the 2.0 Cedrus was the much cleaner, stiffer and faster option. This is from people who have experience riding both options side by side. Ultimately decided not to go the universal route for now.
There appears to be only a few adapter options for the Takuma V1 NL foot that are completely clean, Lift, Code and Onofoil as they are the only ones big enough to fit the Takuma foot completely inside the adapter. These should all be plenty strong and stiff enough. The others all end up with a sit on top butt joint that I wouldn’t trust for 15 minutes use and yes, they end up being not very hydrodynamically clean. I opted for a fixed Lift foot as it was in stock. Perfect fit though they use a large block of alu front and back leaving the middle as airspace to save weight. Of course that fills with seawater and continuously dribbles out for 10 minutes after a session leaving everything salty regardless of how much you rinse. Disassembly would solve that issue but obviously creates bigger issues.
A minor issue on what is performance wise the best mast I’ve ever ridden.
if you want to leave it assembled fill all those voids with marine silicon sealant when you’re putting it together. should remedy the corrosion issue of leaving the water in there touching carbon and aluminum.
If you want something more permanent which will also tighten up the connection fittment you could go with 5200. This is the “disassembling once a year” option
I heard good things about the new cedrus as well. Just ordered a 75cm one for trying to learn some downwind and prone. Already been using the nolimitz omen 87cm for winging for a while.
Good idea. Maybe I’ll just shape a block of XPS to take up the space. I’m happy enough with the mast to fuse fit but want to be able to switch front foils easily too.