Opinion on Quatra Drifter 80ltr wing board

Possibly buying an 80ltr Quatra Drifter to step down from my 98ltr Sabfoil wingfoiling board. Any experience/opinions of the Drifter would be welcome. Thanks

Cool board, hard to go wrong with this one. I would suggest to find a local expert who you trust and who can explain you the concept behind this board. The rails are made as such for a reason. But don’t listen to me, I am biased - riding with Quatro windsurf boards for 14 years already (and importing to our country).

Don’t know which foils you plan to use but the tracks placement should be compatible with pretty much all brands. I have some foils where the mast is very far forward, and others where the back foot is on top of the mast, or even in front of the mast a bit, and both kind of foils work super well with this board.

I have one and love it. Paint can scratch fairly easily, and the foam can be a bit rough on the knees but at 80kg it works well for me. I ride lift foils in the center-ish of the box.

Thanks for the input. I am going for it!

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Good board, but look it over carefully. Some of the first versions had some cracking issues where the rails line meets the deck