Smaller foils for a slim lightwind wingboard?


Couldn’t stand the hype and this windless summer and had to buy me 20“ 95l cigar.

Haven’t been on the water still (wind is back😜) but the next lull is right around the corner.

So I‘m curious what are your experiences - what kinda foils and what sizes work best?

Raphael Salles from F-One said at the AWSI that their Seven Seas will do the job….

So you need to keep up in lulls. I do find slimmer… slippery foil…and even smaller to a certain extend will stay up more in lulls. There is always a trade-off, keep the speed(slimmer)…vs slower stall speed(bigger ticker foil).

So what I find(with a regular board) is if I can get up with a smaller slippery foil I’ll be able to go get more apparent wind and go thru lulls better…but will require a bigger gust for get up and go.

I was typically on a SS1200 with a slimmer stab than the 250…and a 7m. Now I guess the new type of boards can produce the same result…but with a 5m instead of a 7m…so generate enough speed to foil a smaller foil in less wind.

now…in super big lulls at 5knts…what a 5m vs a 7m will do with apparent wind while on foil? What I’ve witness is reducing sail…and going with big foil…I think to leverage those boards in very low wind, I would go in the opposite way, going small slippery foil…like eagle 990…and a 7m instead of 5m and a 1800.