The new SPG Missile

Anyone ridden the SPG Missile

Yes I have. They’re unbelievably fast foils. When I first got on one it really took me by surprise the thing just flies. I’ve now spent a month or so riding both the 120 and the 170. I live on the south coast of the UK so am riding in very weak small surf and I found the 170 the more ‘instant’ of the 2 in our conditions. It has about a metre wing span so is relatively wide, so it isn’t quite as loose as the Game Changer 170 in the surf but it is incredibly efficient and has amazing speed and glide. For this reason I found it excelled for shore runners and even prone DW. The 120 was trickier to dial in. In our weak conditions I didn’t get on well with the stock (fusion) tail which seemed to accentuate the higher stall speed. I went back to my usual KD blunt which I shimmed up 1.5 and found that this made it much more user friendly in our waves (which are weak knee to shoulder high windswell). It prefers a quicker cadence, lighter pump than the Game Changer but is now my favourite foil. It handles breaches particularly well and the extra speed makes turns feel spicier and you cover loads of ground really quickly on the pump. Both the 120 and 170 don’t seem to ‘top out’ - you can get them going so fast where you would be fighting to keep the foil down normally but these things just seem to feel more locked in pitch wise. It’s taken me a while to get used to but I now absolutely love both foils. For full disclosure I should say I am the UK rep for SPG - so would be keen to hear others’ thoughts…


What is the exact wing span of the 170 and 120 ?

The 120 is 84cm and the 170 is 97cm wide

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OK thanks, the Kujira 1095 is 96cm I belive and it surf good so I guess this one might be also turn good, it is not only the wing span that matters.
You will let us know !

Would you say the Missile 170 outperforms the albatross 210 or Lift HA 170 in lighter winds when winging? Or is it a high wind foil for heavier guys as SPG says?

Tried the Lift HA 170 against the Gamechanger 195. GC takes off earlier and turns tighter, Lift is faster, glides longer, breaches with tips really well, sudden stalls in very low speeds.

(Me 80kg, winging, Baltic Sea, looking for a fast and most playful lightwind foil, riding albatross 210, mid fuse with KDW 13“)

I haven’t tried it winging, not have I tried the Lift 170 but having ridden that and the Albatross I can tell you that the low end is not quite as good as the 210 but it’s not a million miles away. However the high end is waaaaaaay faster and it also feels very balanced and stable at speed where the Albatross has a tendency to get forward pitchy. It turns really well and does not stall as easily when you breach the tips. I can imagine at your weight it would be a good light wind wing. I use it for prone downwind here and it’s :ok_hand:t2:

Hi again!

Thanks for your answer regarding the missile. How about the new glide 180? How does it fit in the SPG range between albatross and missile? And do you have some data, span, chord etc?


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No probs! The Missile isn’t necessarily super high aspect of you know what I mean - it’s more like a refined and highly efficient mid aspect with super thin and narrow tips but still quite a bit of chord at the fuse. The Glide is really a proper high aspect - very thin and narrow. The specs are:

GLIDE R 140:

Span: 1060mm

Chord: 111mm

Aspect Ratio: 9.5

GLIDE R 180:

Span: 1180mm

Chord: 130mm

Aspect Ratio: 9.0

The Glides pump really well and have quite decent low end (no probs to dock start the 180) but they’re not as nimble in the surf. As a non-winger it’d be a guess but I’d say the Missile would probably be a better winging choice. The glide is built for DW really…

I really like them both though! :call_me_hand:t2:

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Any more feedback about the glide series? How do they compare to axis, uni progressions, code r series?