Well - about comparing Enduros to the SILKs - after 2 months of riding mostly the E700 I have some complement to the first timers feelings I already described before in this thread - and most of them ratify firsts feelings - but there’s more nuance to it -
Definetly Enduros and SILKs sizes are comparable by span size - so E700 will work well in most situations were the S850 works too - can only imagine the E900 will compare to the S1050 as is stated by AFS and most people have commented. Hope AFS consider a E500ish that compares to the holy grail S650 -
This being said in those sizes parallels - must say:
- Enduros are faster and glidier - also do feel more comfortable at top speed, also when going down the line on a wave, It won’t load the front foot as much so you feel like you can squeeze more speed on the turn - but this makes it pretty more technical where the SILK it’s nimbler and easier, also not everyone and not for every kind of wave you want to go match speed while carving.
- Low end, if Enduros are better on the higher end, being still pretty friendly to use and also can hold really good low end for a 700 11AR foil, the 850 will definetly will feel more chilled and relaxed at lower speeds and silkier.
- All that being said, I would say the Enduros are better all-rounders but SILKs are definetly more user friendly.
- Carving is still better on the SILK domain, but I do prefer in general terms the Enduro 700 over the SILK 850 because of it’s top end better range and sacrificing little on the carving and low end which can be replaced with some experience and good technique.
Other aspects -
Enduro being front wing modular is easier to transport and haven’t felt any cons performance wise vs the monobloc yet. Also get more options of lengths for fuselage, S850 only gets one position for the stab.
All this tests were with the same stab 38HA which does improve the glide of the 850, and it seems to me affects just a little bit the carve, a price I’m willing to pay for more glide and better foot pressure balance.
The king of wave riding when it gets decent size and power - it’s still the S650, and test ride it with the 38HA and was nicely surprised with the extra glide and felt little difference on the carve vs the 132.
Silks seems to be also better at whitewash and turbulence -
So for intermediate to advanced riders looking for more performance and can compensate the lower end and carving ability with better rider technique - and a more flex platform that can also go downwind - Enduro is a better option size per size -
For begginers, Enduro are definetly a good options, but should go a size bigger (900 and 1100 should be great for most conditions), or really consider the SILK 850 and 1050 for their ease of use and more intuitive carve ability, also better low end range.
Almost forget about pumping -
The Enduro 700 feels more like pumping a PURE foil, it’s higher cadence but rewards you with more speed so you reach more distance in less time - but again it’s a bit more technical and the SILK perhaps will be a bit friendlier, but a little slower -
Hope this makes some sense and clears anything more than it confuses jaja!