Army ha v2 880 help

Holla amigos, Uk foiler here having a bit of trouble with the army ha v2 880!
Problem is lads and lasses is I’ve come down from the kujira 1210 and am having trouble getting onto foil in small surf, when I try to olly it up she just drops out unless I’m going at a decent speed, my question is! Is there any shimming I can do to get better early lift? Or is this just what’s expected coming down from the v1 1210, when i have more speed and she wants to come up she flys! I’m ridding the 180 tail and a KT concept 4.7 30L! Any advise greatly received

Trying to leave the 1210 is hard. You’ll be disappointed in everything. Dropping down to 880 is a big jump no matter now magic the new stuff is.

Hi there - the 880 is my daily rider. I find that it likes to be ridden forward in the box. So much so that I jam mine all the way forward and use a 1 degree board shim nose down.

It also likes to go fast - so you can do this with the 140 stab, or a 1 degree shim on the 180. With that being said - you lose so low end if you shim the tail.

In any case, probably like all foils, keep your speed up as you are pulling off waves, stay high on mast, do the Ollie you were talking about.

I’m 85kg for reference