Now a few more sessions in. I pronounce that the 860R rides like a 1051 but with the low end of 1121. Its exactly what I was looking for and I’m putting my money where my mouth is (or the opposite I guess???).
A point worth noting - we have already established that the high angle of attack low speed lift mode is super fun and extends both the takeoff range to a lower speed, and also allows to ride slow swell and dig out of a hole pumping. But it is also super draggy. I can notice when taking off on a slow wave it takes a lot more paddle power than the 1121. And while pumping out of a low speed hole is possible, it takes a ton of power until it is back up to speed. Where the 1121 has approximately the same low speed limit, it is quite efficient all the way down. The 860R is kind of fun as you hit the efficient speed threshold you push the nose down and it kind of squirts out from under you rocketing forward. That acceleration is addictive and super fun.