Nosara, Costa Rica - Prone Foil Spots?

Looking for some mellow waves to foil when I’m in Nosara next month. Also open to spending $ on a towing situation or boat trip to a reef, etc. Just hoping to foil by any means necessary!

Well, you may have already made the trip, but I will post in case someone else see’s this.

From Nosara/Playa Guiones the next Beach South is Playa Garza. This is the best prone foil spot I found…. That was not covered with surfers.

Right end of the beach when looking from shore. Check it at low tide first so you know where the rocks are. Then go back at high tide. Small days with enough juice, the outside is good. Bigger days, the reform wave on the inside is where it’s at.


Not sure if they are in Nosara - But these guys offer foil camps with tow services it seems to me -
Just follow them, not sure if this is useful to you tho, hopefully it is! :slight_smile:

Foil Surfing Lessons & Excursions Costa Rica (@backcountry_foil_surfing) • Fotos y videos de Instagram

Has anyone had success recently prone foiling the area? Im headed over there in 2 weeks

I was there a couple years ago and stayed at playa Guiones, there was quite a bit of swell for my trip (4-6ft southwest). I could foil but mostly on the inside reforms at the north end of the beach with all the swell. Around the point there was some reefs breaking into deep water that looked fun, but a long swim to avoid the rocks.

Yes the more northern part of the beach. If you are there during low tide to see the structure, you could go right through a bug gap in the rocks to get to the reform wave.

Awesome. Thanks for the info

I foiled there last July. North end of Guiones was good as long as it wasn’t low tide. Playa Pelada just to the north also had a really fun foil wave at high tide. The odd rock to look out for but super fun. Have a good trip. :call_me_hand:t2:

Awesome. Thanks for the recommendation. Ill report back with some foil footage!

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I know this thread is about Nosara which is helpful hoping to get some glides there, but does any one have any intel on foiling esterillos oste/este? Ive heard there’s a guy who foils there almost every morning not sure if youre on this forum or not. Ill be spending some time there next month and from what ive heard there’s some good foil waves in that area.

Send me a PM, I’ll dig up some contact info for you.

Reporting back from the trip. Guiones was a blast on foil. The entire week I was there a south swell was in the water. When the center part of the sandbars in front of town were too big to prone foil the south end of the beach break worked great (around 3-7ft tide) Plenty of chip ins from the A frame reef then connecting lines into the wrapping beachbreak to the north towards town. When the main break at Guiones went 2ft in size it was perfect for foiling. Worked on the very low tides as well. Hope someone makes it down there and enjoys it!

I will post a few clips as reference of the small day on my instagram sometime today. Foil.Brain


Did you have any interference from the local surf instructors?

No interference. But I would hear them chirping when I would turn my back. Never took anyones waves and kept my distance. Wore a leash at all times when others were out and stayed on the inside

Good deal. I’ve had words every trip I’ve had my Foil out there. I would try to go very early and get out of the water when the crowds started to fill in. But young kids think they own the world and can’t go without saying something….

Thats too bad. The south end of town was very different. No crowds mid-day and in the evenings.