Progression 100 Review?

Does anyone have a ride report/review for Progression 100 yet? I’m considering purchasing one for towing but haven’t seen anyone talking about it yet. I know it’s available now. Unifoil and Lift are the two brands I ride now so this would just be adding another front wing and not having to go all in on a new brand setup. Just curious if it’s any better than a Lift HA90 which I love to tow here in the Gulf of Mexico when it’s chest high or bigger. Save me some money! haha

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It’s epic. I prone the 125 as my DD, and I spent all last weekend towing the new 100. We were out with another team towing on the 125 in chest to head high hurricane swell. Compared to the 125, its smaller, faster, and looser. In the conditions we had, the size difference was enough that we could carve face on the 100, where it would have been more of a lock in down the line on the 125. At 6’4" 185lbs I could pump the 100 a lot better than I expected, though not nearly as good as the 125, and I don’t think I could see myself proning the 100 unless it was bigger than I’d realistically want to paddle.

I have ridden (towed) the 90HA from Lift and they are very similar.


Appreciate the info, Tanner!

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What tail and fuse did you use with the 100?

Short fuse 14.5 PP tail. Positive .25 or 0 degree shim.


I LOVE my new p100!!! Used it winging the first time and instantly loved the increased speed and roll. I have several sessions on it now with the foildrive and a smaller prone setup. I’ve used it anywhere from waist to 1-2’ overhead and it’s badass! It has handled everything really well and stayed loose on the top end. I can say that if you are consistently towing overhead longer period swell 10-15+ sec I don’t think it would be a replacement for the vyper 90, which is what we use to tow. Though this thing is an improvement on the 125 in every way, I think it will still top out just over head, though I haven’t found that yet. Either way it’s a really fun foil and is worth every penny!
I’m 200 lbs and ride it with the medium fuse p13.5 tail and 0-0.5 shim.


This foil is amazing for winging! I’ve only had about 5 sessions on it so far, but initial impressions are good. While it’s super loose and playful when going slower and flaged out on waist to head sized swell, it really comes into it’s own at speed! It’s far more stable and surefooted than the 125 while cranking upwind in bigger or sloppy conditions and it just loves to run downwind in chest high+ swell. All that said, it still seems to top out around 25 kts (at least for me). I’m able to push it only slightly faster than the 125 so far (25.8 kts vs 25.1), but see average speeds for a session around 2 kts faster. That doesn’t seem like much, but it’s actually about a 15% increase… I rig it the same as my 125 and 140 - med fuse and 14 Marlin tail with zero shim. Haven’t had any really windy days to try, yet, so hoping for some better speeds when I get some real breeze!


I was SUP DWing the 125 yesterday in 20-30 kn conditions here in FL and was maintaining 26 kn for 5k avg, topping around 33kn. I’m sure the 109 isn’t that much faster though. I’m 77kg for reference so that may come into play if you’re lighter.

How’s the low end compare to the 125?

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km/hr are not the same as knots… 1 km/h = .54 knots. I was out in stronger wind yesterday and was able to push the P100 to 26 knots max (25.9 for 2 sec). Still trying to get it to 30 MPH, which is 26.1 knots, but each .1 is really hard fought…

For low end, it’s a little harder to get up on foil initially, but once moving it seems to be pretty similar to the 125. At least to me, feels like the same pump and glide. I’m still trying to figure out if I will end up keeping the 125 or not, as it seems that if I have enough wind for the 125, I can just use the 100, and if not, I can jump on the 140…

For comparison, here are speeds from the P125 in similar conditions (not a lot of difference at the peaks, and more difference over the longer averages). Basically, the 100 is faster cruising, but hard to push much faster going for max speed reaches…

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Ugh wrote kn but meant kph. Too used to talking wind lol.

Yeah that’s where I am now. I absolutely adore the 125 and debating replacing it with the 100 since they seem to have a lot of overlap. I’m sure the 125 is better do DW, 100 for surf.


Unfortunately I lack downwind skills, so I’m not a good judge of the 100 for DW. I want to get into it, but too cheap to buy a dedicated DW board (lately, I wing on a 7’ x 19" at 90L, and weigh about 82 kg). I’m sure good DW guys would be able to make it work, but I’ve been reluctant to head out without a wing. I think that at normal DW speeds, the 100 would be a lot faster. Not sure how different it would be paddling up, though. I do think that if you had enough push to paddle up the 125, you could get the 100 going too… Once up and running, the 100 is magic! I waited to get a demo before pulling the trigger on buying, as I was scared it wouldn’t offer enough of a difference, or would fall out of the sky at lower speeds. First time on it, I was convinced I had to have it! Still not convinced I don’t want to keep my 125, but that’s not because it’s too much like the 100, it’s because it’s too close to the 140. I’m judging similarity by effort needed to get up on foil (once flying, I feel like the 100 beats the 125 across the board - and I absolutely love the 125). 15 knots or so of wind and up, I’m comfortably on the 100 (with a 5m wing). Less than that, I can just take the 140. I don’t think I actually need all 3… I still want to go and push the 100 in some more marginal conditions to be sure, though…

How is the 100 compared to the 125 while going fast?

I find that one chest high waves or going fast I am very locked in on the 125 and if I carve then I get too much lift and blow out.

Looking for a winging foil that can still be loose and with great pitch control while going fast (like the small Sk8 foils which are fantastic)

The progression 125 is amazing going slow and great pump but can’t carve reasonably when moving fast.

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