Unifoil Vyper 170 as first foil setup

Either will be fine I reckon, I think smaller foils are more intuitive. If you get a 150 you’re more likely to sell it sooner where a 130 might hang around for longer in the quiver for days when the waves are bigger or learning to wing

Board I think 35-40L is a nice balance of viable and won’t slow you down. Ideally something used as you’ll try stuff and get a feel, though I think going small is false economy for people wanting to improve pumping.

Disclaimer I haven’t ridden a vyper but have ridden hyper 190 and pp140 and almost bought a vyper 90 for bigger days… and ~ all axis foils

Thanks, all great insight and I appreciate the various caveats you listed as well.

I would definitely prefer to buy a used board as I’m sure there will be some experimentation I’ve been scouring the typical sites and haven’t turned up anything promising yet. So decent tow and wing boards listed, but haven’t found something that will work for prone.

But if anyone has something they’re looking to offload — let me know!

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Finally pulled the trigger on this…

Ended up going with the Vyper 150 new from Unfioil to take advantage of their sale. After lots of considering of the advice in this thread, and some additional research, I figured it would be a safe bet. There was some helpful advice in this thread, I think it came down to either the V130 or 150. I was leaning towards the 130 a lot because of the arguments made above, I think they’re compelling. But I figured the 150 was a decent compromise between the arguments that felt the 130 was the right call, but the others that felt the 150 was better and 130 too small, or that the 170 could even work with enough determination.

Thanks for all the advice, everyone.

Still on the hunt for a used or sale prone board though. Hit me up if you’re looking to offload something.


oh my gosh what did I get myself into :rofl:


I ride a p140 and p170 these days, but rode a v170 for a few months before the progressions. I loved it and thought it super intuitive and surfy. I think u will too. Enjoy!

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