AFS Enduro - Yet another whale style wing

I’d sell my pure 1100 if anyone is interested. Bought it for DW but don’t get the conditions often enough to use it. Super fast for its size. DM me.

Thanks, I didn’t consider a PURE HA 1100. What are these like in the surf with turbulent water? I was after the tubercles to smooth out this part.

How does the enduro 1100 compare with the pure HA 1100?

I sup in a lot of small waves so was after lift, but if the 1100 can do it then there might not be a need for the 1300. I’ve seen the videos on the pure from Damien LeRoy, but he’s about 20kg lighter than me, it does look good though…

I don’t have the Enduro 1100. The 1300 for flat water training, not really excited to take it
in waves. The Pure 1100 have enough lift for small waves. I only used it in non-breaking waves so can’t say how it handles foam.

As I understood it you’re looking to really flag out and glide for the most part, not performance surf? If that’s the case pure 1100 should do the trick.

I’m close to you weight wise with full winter gear on

I just had an amazing morning session on
Enduro 1300, short fuse, HA 38 short position, Cedrus Evo 72.5cm

Just an amazing small wave wing. I can catch anything, zoom around, pump around, and just have a ball when everyone else is bumming. I’ve tried all the 1200-1300 sized wings (not the KT yet) in conditions like this and the Enduro stands head and shoulders above.


The Pure HA arent really design for surfing. The Enduro is pretty tough, i prone foil it in hawaii and hit the reef all the time. The tips are still good, its not glass and going to be brittle. I wouldn’t ram into a rock or reef full speed, but any foil would be damage if that happened. I wing with the Pure 900 and that wing is so good for winging. Super fasr, surfs great and can handle jumps. The silks are also epic in surf and winging.


What do you weigh? What conditions do you have?

1100: Unbelievably glidey, very early takeoff, impeccable manners, Turns, Fast. 95kg, wingfoiling.

A genuine one foil quiver from 8-30kn (although I’m lusting after a 700 now as well)


Thanks for sharing that. I gotta try that as a lightwind weapon!

Foilfondler, I was hoping to hear how the 152Silk tail paired with the Enduro 1100.

I think I’ve had one fd session with that pair so far, and in winter I’m kookier than normal and was using a new board, so didn’t have my feet right for riding and pumping. But had a bunch of nice rides down the line in waist high waves standing on my back foot. The only thing I can say is that it certainly didn’t feel slow, to me at least. I’ll be winging that or the 900 hopefully in the next couple of days and will have a better answer then.

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I have had about a dozen sessions on the Enduro 700, 900, 1100 and 1300. I already commented on the 900 and 1300 above. In surf from knee high to overhead. These wings have impressive (for me) speed range and glide. The carve and turn are easy, intuitive and confident. They feel precise, stable and predictable even with tips out. The feeling is like riding good waves on a mid length twin fin. Had the E1100 out recently in shoulder to slightly overhead soft point break conditions because I wanted to test how it would handle waves that size… it was on that day that I started to fall in love with the 1100. She is fast and I was pleasantly surprised that on late drops and steep fast sections it didn’t push up hard for the surface or dive unexpectedly at speed like so many large foils do in those situations. For metrics I’m 195lbs + 5 for wetsuit, short fuse on the longer setting with the HA38 tail. I typically SUPfoil but have tried them with prone and FD. using the UHM80 and Cedrus Evo Surf 80 masts. The 900 and especially the 1100 have unlocked my pump in surf in what I call “god mode” meaning (I think/wish I look like Mr. Bennetts) I’m now pulling out and hunting waves two, three, four bumps out. Something I only found before when the trade off for larger wing size meant feeling overfoiled and or stiff carving. Took the 700 out in some decent head high waves it is very fast and shared all of the good attributes of the range but pumping it is above my pay grade. Basically these are fun wings that turn glide pump and surf well. Every session I have in them seems to build on the last as I figure them out. Looking forward to wing and DW them when our season starts. I hope this helps :call_me_hand:


The E700 super fun and rips downwind. It’s a perfect match for the Evo Surf.
Reading through your post I’m now being pressured :wink: to add the E900 to the quiver

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I’m close to pulling the trigger on the 1100. What fuse do you recommend for someone looking to increase the glide and pump features? I was thinking that I’d use my Silk 152 tail with the 1100, but I’m open to suggestions.

Haven’t used the 1100 but having tried a lot of the tails with the silks, the 152 definitely feels a bit draggy but pumps the best. The 132 is quite a bit faster and turns a lot better with a small sacrifice pumping. The Ha 40 turns the worst of them but has the least drag and pumps only slightly worse than the 152. If you want pump and glide and don’t care as much about turning the ha is the best bet.

I recently chopped the ha40 a little bit to see if I can loosen it up - we’ll see how she goes…

I’m loving the HA38 but I have also heard from a few other users that the silk tails loosen up the carving of the Enduro just as using HA tails increase the pump and glide of the Silk surf wings. I borrowed a silk 152 tail to try… will report back on feelings.

What are people’s thoughts on choice of fuse length, for the 1100 in particular?

Short. Both from afs suggestion and my experience.


Can anyone help me with mast positioning of the silk850+132 in comparison to the E700 or E900 with the 132. Winging only. I have been really enjoying the enduros winging, but have some solid conditions to try the silk out coming up this week. I have done 1 run only so far on the 850 before the wind dropped, and had in the same position as the enduros, and it felt too far fwds - so moved back 1cm but the wind then dropped.

I rode the 850/132 in the same spot as the e700/ha38. I’m pretty comfortable moving around on the board though (strapless) and shift feet as necessary. Was the takeoff just wrong for you or was it something in flight and strap related?

Ok thank you. This was on a strapped 60l board in waist high faces. So I will be more sensitive to the position with the straps. And it just felt like I had slightly too much front foot / not enough back foot, especially when on a wave. Nothing too bad, but just not perfectly balanced. I should say too that I am comparing to the e700/e900 with the long fuse and the 132 in the far position.

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