I’d sell my pure 1100 if anyone is interested. Bought it for DW but don’t get the conditions often enough to use it. Super fast for its size. DM me.
Thanks, I didn’t consider a PURE HA 1100. What are these like in the surf with turbulent water? I was after the tubercles to smooth out this part.
How does the enduro 1100 compare with the pure HA 1100?
I sup in a lot of small waves so was after lift, but if the 1100 can do it then there might not be a need for the 1300. I’ve seen the videos on the pure from Damien LeRoy, but he’s about 20kg lighter than me, it does look good though…
I don’t have the Enduro 1100. The 1300 for flat water training, not really excited to take it
in waves. The Pure 1100 have enough lift for small waves. I only used it in non-breaking waves so can’t say how it handles foam.
As I understood it you’re looking to really flag out and glide for the most part, not performance surf? If that’s the case pure 1100 should do the trick.
I’m close to you weight wise with full winter gear on
I just had an amazing morning session on
Enduro 1300, short fuse, HA 38 short position, Cedrus Evo 72.5cm
Just an amazing small wave wing. I can catch anything, zoom around, pump around, and just have a ball when everyone else is bumming. I’ve tried all the 1200-1300 sized wings (not the KT yet) in conditions like this and the Enduro stands head and shoulders above.