AFS Silk - Demo ride report

Does AFS use M8 for the fuse mast connection?

Yes. Two really long (40mm I think) T45 M8s for the foil to mast connection. Two small T30 M6s for the tail to fuse connection.

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Have you been able to try the F One Sk8 and compare with silk? Im thinking about getting one of those for prone. Want less wingspan than Progressions have

Havenā€™t ridden the AFS kit, but for what itā€™s worth Iā€™ve been revisiting the SK8 750 and 650 these last couple weeks - such insanely fun wings. So surfy, all the best shortboard surf feels. Good front foot pressure. Super snappy and responsive. Worth the minor ding in pump/glide vs the eagle when the conditions call for it.

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Is the AFS fuse to rear wing connection standard spacing and flat, like possible to use Progression rears on it? Iā€™m getting close to pulling the trigger. I have a local shop with AFS demos that Iā€™ll be able to try this week.

Yes. Standard spacing. uni, original Takuma, KD, etc all work. The AFS tails are really good too.

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There is also some new tails coming that are even better imo.

Are you talking about the silk HA tails (production delays) or something else new?

I think they are the silk HA tails.
@FoilATX can you clarify what I am talk about? I just know they are better for mešŸ¤£

Silk HA stabs really lock the foil.

I use the 38 on 850 (which should go with the 40) and it is nowhere near the 142 for turning.

Yes you have more glide and speed, but you really sacrifice turn.


Interesting - going to try my new HA silk tails this week and see for myself. I guess thereā€™s always some compromise but wasnā€™t expecting to hear that thereā€™s this much

Please report what you find! Would be great to know weights for you and @Kezia too, I suspect how easy a setup feels to roll has a strong correlation to rider weight.

Where did you get the ha tails? Iā€™ve been waiting on one since they came out.

95kg+ here

I have Silk 850 and 1050
I bought HA tails 38 and 43.

The idea was to have the 850 paired with the 38 for winging.
And the 1050 with 43 for small prone day where I would usually go with the Lift 150HAX (glide and pump)

Only tried the 38 on 850 as of now.
As I said, itā€™s faster and have more glide than the 142, but you sacrifice turn.
For prone and even very surfy winging conditions I will stick with the 142.

Many friends have the same opinion : great glide, speed, pump but kills turn ability of the Silk.
Apparently the 650 with the 38 on the short fuselage position is great.
I need to try the 38 with the 1050 which might be the good compromise for prone.

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Many thanks for sharing! You are almost my weight so really appreciate it. So much for my weight correlation theory! Would love to hear how the 1050 and 38 pair if you do take that setup for a spin. Any thoughts on whichever mast you are on would also be very interesting. Debating the 80cm as a one mast compromise or go for that slender 75cm and get an 85 later for winging in sloppy conditions.

Yes silk ha 38 is what you rode it isnā€™t production but it is the exact model.

@Velocicraptor apologies when production finally got going orders were not shipped from the factory in order received so a couple got out before yours. But everything is now humming along and shipping normally

Initial feedback is that itā€™s worth inserting a 0.5 or 1 degree shim under the rear screw to lighten front foot pressure. I havenā€™t had a chance to confirm yet, will follow up when I do.

Have only wake foiled the 38 for now and it is great with the 850, but really helped the 650. On the 132 the 650 is very tough to wake foil but with the increased glide and lift of the 38 it works really well. Although itā€™s such a maneuverable/quick turning set up itā€™s going to take some time to get comfortable and really make good use of it. 850 with the 38 is probably my go to wake foil set up at the moment. I have terrible pumping form/cadence and the 38 increases my pumping ability compared to the 132 and 142

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If you can afford it, the 75 and 85 combo is ideal. The short chord of the 75 will dial up the maneuverability of the 1050 and make it feel smaller. In knee to waist gutless waves the 75 and 1050 make for a great set up.

But the 80 as a one mast quiver is still a great option. There are days where I want to stop tinkering forever and just have the 80 mast, 850 silk, 132 stab and never think about my gear ever again haha. I think you can do everything in a broad range of conditions with just that. Iā€™d probably finally get decent tooā€¦


Got to ride the 650/132 SILK in itā€™s desired escenario!!
Iā€™ve been able to test ride it in prone foiling too, but was finally able to tow it in really nice conditions!

The glide - speed and carving of this foil is impresive - how it holds the line speed and the drive- :slight_smile:

So happy with it!


Since this is a demo thread, afs just announced demo day dates. Hopefully I added the image correctly


May I ask what mast you like to use with your tow setup?