Cut progression tail

Has anyone chopped the Progression 14.5 tail? If you have, how did it go and do you have any photos? I want to chop mine, but it’s too much of a work of art so I am reluctant!!


I am so interested in any feedback here as well.

just work your way up and go for it. I’ve never been disappointed cutting down a tail I know is too big. I use a dremel with a diamond coated wheel, you can get 10 cutting wheels cheap on amazon. Takes about 5 minutes including a bit of hand sanding to round down the tips. You could bring a cordless to the beach with you and come off the water to cut a little more off.

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I did it. Chopped about 2cm off each end, as I was scared to go too much. Tried it today and felt great. Turns were so much better and felt like the foil was doing what I wanted it to do again. I did notice a slightly reduction in raw stability when pumping, and a couple of times it shot off in a random direction, but I am sure I will get used to that.

The only issue was that I didn´t want to cut the whole tip off, and tried to half cut it, but it was really difficult to reshape it nicely and sort of ended up with big ugly stubby ends. I think it was psychological but felt more draggy, which is pretty unlikely. Either way I am now going to cut a bit more and take off the tips completely, so that I can finish it nicer. It will end up a 13" I think.


I cut the last bit of the tip off and the finish is much nicer now. Super happy with the new tail. Still has great pump (I think better the 14" G10 tail I had before) but now in the turns I feel like I can control it much better. I personally haven´t notice any change of speed, just that now everything seems more controllable. Maybe the raw stability is slightly reduced, but overall much happier now. Attached some photos. Not sure if a different tip outline would be better, but I will be leaving this alone now.

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