Opinion on chopping Unifoil Progression 14.5 tail

I know a couple prominent Uni riders have mentioned how they chopped the curved tips off their progression 14.5 tail, and prefer it that way. I’m curious, has anyone else done this and how do they like it?

Been on that tail since it came out and wondering if cutting the tips will speed and loosen things up. Alternatively, I don’t want to blow it and be down $300 to get a new one. I predict and hope Uni will be coming out with more tail options so am waiting for that.

For reference, primarily prone at 140lbs.

Thanks for the input!

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I cut mine. There is a thread about it.

I personally preferred it cut because I found the 14.5 was somehow overpowering me in turns and after cutting it felt more controllable.

Oh awesome! Much appreciated. Are you still using and liking the chopped 14.5? Do you feel like it negatively affected pump?

very curious about this, I want to try it but if it doesn’t pump better than the 13.5 tail I’d be curious the benefit.

Has anyone tried the KD Marlin tails with the progression wings?

Sorry for the delayed reply. Honestly I didn´t really notice much difference in the pumping. I also didnt really notice what should have been a small increase in speed. Maybe if I compared head to head the original 14.5 and the cut version it would be more obvious, but that was impossible.