Flitelab who knows

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Flux 707

Looking to get one but in knee to head high waves ?

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You mean F*late? who knows when stuff will actually be released :joy:


Guess it’s better than releasing it before it’s ready?

I want it, but they have confirmed they will not work with Cedrus to make an adapter. Im hoping Cedrus will eventually be able to get a mast and create an adapter anyways. AFS Silk disappointed me big time, so I’m waiting for this as a mid aspect now.

Looks similar to the F One Sk8, hopefully with M8 hardware though :+1:

Why not use their mast ? Or is it you’ve spent the money on the cedrus

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I rode a prototype in May. I have no doubt it will be good when the finished product is ready.

To be honest, I am more excited about the tow/prone board. It seems simple, but stout.


Looking forward to this as well and expect their mast will be awesome. Just seems like they are triple checking everything. Better than rushing a product to market.

I’d be interested to know what you found disappointing with the AFS Silk? Most reviewers rave about them, so be good to get another opinion.


@Foilthegoldentriange Yeah just to avoid buying another mast than necessary.

@FlyByFoil Replied here AFS Silk - Demo ride report - #56 by beepityboppityboop

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Interesting review but yeah you seem to be in the minority with not liking the Silks and you’re on the Cedrus. I can’t imagine Flitelab would want to launch their foils and risk initial bad reviews like that.


Cedrus could release not a mast adapter, but a full fuselage that connects to the front wing and the fuse.

I think Adam Bennetts only rides the Fone Sk8 besides the Flite Flux protos, and does the same kind of things with both wings, so yeah they must be similar.

Hi All

Some info that is from the inside :wink:

We haven’t even spoken to Cedrus. If Cedrus wants to build an adapter to our Wings and tails we would have no issue with that. Although I would recommend demoing our mast first as we believe it’s one of, if not the stiffest on the market. Full UHM at 13.5mm, intergraded fuse with Titanium fittings to the wing and tail.

Yes the Flux 707 is a mid aspec 8.5 similar to other MA on the market like Havoc, Sk8 and Armie MA except the Flux has truck loads of low end so you can ride a size or 2 smaller than what you would usually ride.

Adam hasn’t ridden F-one for well over 9 months now, he has only been on the Flux protos. The last Couple of protos of the 707 are very different to the earlier versions as we completely change the direction of the foil section we were using and have now locked off the design for the 707. Trying to develop a foil that was user friendly yet performed at the level Adam rides at was certainly a challenge but we are really stoked with the final design. We are now working on the other sizes which are already a few rounds in :wink:

Yes we are later to the market than anticipated for many reasons. Won’t bore you with the details but it has resulted in better products. We are trying to launch an entire brand including Foils, Boards and Assist. The strategy was never to launch one item at a time but to launch with most of the products ready. We also know that there are many brands out there doing a stellar job and we know how competitive it is. We are not aiming to be lost in the mix but to hopefully stand out and be a brand that listens to the community and develops products that you all get completely foil brained over.

I can’t give exact dates as there is still a couple of things that are getting a little more testing before going into production but many things have started in production. So not too much longer now :crossed_fingers:

Hopefully this clears up a thing or two.

Cheers, Chris


Thanks for the update! Looking forward to the final product.

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Legend thanks for the reply

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I think its the sk8s and eagle

No sé si las alas de Adam y flite serán tan buenas o mejores que lift,ojo eh testado la mayoría de las marcas, estoy esperando algún día probar esta nueva marca,desde mi humilde opinión para la mayoría de la gente que practicamos prone lift es super fácil (120ha) yo actualmente uso gofoil pero he tenido que recortar alas

Sure wouldn’t complain if the Amp dropped earlier than other kit…DW season is right around the corner, and I couldn’t be more keen to ditch the paddle!


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