Jeff Clark Boards?

I have an opportunity to purchase a barely used Jeff Clark 95L for winging. It’s the right size for me. (5’8” x 25” x 4 1/4”). However, I’ve never heard of the brand. I ride an Axis Froth 110L (first board) and older Ride Engine Moon Buddy 85L (picked up used). Any intel on this brand/shape?

Buy it. Longtime shaper. The guy who surfed mavericks alone for years. He’s been into foiling for a long time now. Early adopter.


Stiff, light, popular board in Rio Vista/San Francisco Bay area.

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Great dude and great board… buy it!


reputable builder and shaper that a lot of people are riding. Don’t worry about the brand. I’d worry more about the shape being “out of date”. I would personally suggest at these high volumes you should go for a significantly more narrow board. We’re learning that its just a much better way to go with no downsides. Everyone is unloading their old style boards for skinnier longer downwind style shapes. If you can get it cheap enough, go for it.

Great point. I own it at this point so we’ll see. Shape was my main concern but it seems like it’s new enough and with SF Bay wind (the main place I’ll use it) getting it off the water won’t be an issue. We’ll see!

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