NEW MYSTERY axis fuse/foil spotted?

The mast is obviously axis, but whats up with the fuse and wings??? See pics…

Looks sick. Love my axis ultra mast but cant stand the look of their fuse connections. So i ride my axis mast with lift foil adapter

Looks like omen!

It also looks like Gong’s titanium set-up.

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Isn’t starboard trying to make a universal fuse like that!

Why is that?

Yes, there was rumour of a carbon/titanium fuselage. Full carbon means a thick bulky mast/fuselage joint, using titanium there would allow for a more streamlined fuselage. Plus Axis could move to a monoblock front wing allowing for a thinner fuselage/wing joint area.


Considering that most monobloc wing/fuse are thicker than Axis wing/fuse joint area, I do not think it would help.

I agree with mediterranean foiler. Axis current wing/fuse joint area is one of the most streamline on the market. It works well.

There is something about the tail connection on axis that seems so unaesthetic compared to the clean mono block lift tail wings that i prefer

Axis is not too bad on the stab connection. It has a small bump but it’s hydrodynamic.

Code does better, there is a recess for the stab. Very clean.

AFS is as bad as it gets.
Their fuse is a plain flat surface, and their thick (yet flexible) stab sits on top of it creating serious drag.

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My guess is this is an attempt to get onto the podium, purely aimed at fast downwind.

Really thin HA front wings, thinner than is possible now with the current attachment system. Fixed streamlines stab and the removal of 6 screw heads.

I doubt it is aimed at the regular market but look at what happened when the Ultra mast was first released and even Adrian said it was too expensive for regulars to buy.

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Is this an axis affiliated rider? If not it could just be someone potted an axis mast into some other system - some kite race foil by the look of it

Its an Axis Prototype. Saw it in real at the „Boot“ Fair in Düsseldorf, Germany.

Its a small titanium fuse with monoblock tail and monoblock frontwing. It looked like the gong system.

The frontwing was really small (downwind / wingfoil racing)

Axis Boss called it: Fireball on Steriods.


I confirmed with the rider in the picture that it’s an axis proto. Not an adapter


Curious about MikeLab foils in this conversation about carbon fuses being bulky. They have the cleanest, and narrowest fuse interface I’ve ever seen. They’re full carbon aren’t they?

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Historically ML has been all carbon, but these have been the hot new winging specific masts lately.

Good investigation skills :wink:

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Makes sense in the battle of brands Casey , the axis riders can’t keep up with the monobloc riders. It’s such a disadvantage to ride with the antiquated front wing connection system that if you manage to get 10th place on axis, it would be equivalent to 1st on code. I’m glad that axis is finally considering the transition for being a brand for beginners who wouldn’t know the difference anyways to a more serious brand.

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this take is beyond stupid