Progression 140 just arrived! First ride

@Gneve Kept it +1.5 with the shiv, same position.

@gregclosier hmm this is why I ask, to me I’ve always found the thick at the back (nose down…?) makes the pump easier, same with Axis where this with the 1099 made the pump much more forgiving by making it easier to get high on the mast.

KDW calls it nose up and nose down which is easier maybe, also he has an explanation which I think resonates with my experience:

To effectively tune your baseplate angle, you first need to figure out how your specific setup is already tuned. Here are some trends I’ve found with different plate angles:

Nose down = pivot turns, small taps pumping, “dropping out” or stalling while pumping, back footed carve, Not secure at high speed.

Nose up = carving turns, secure high speed, hard to bring back up in pumps.

Nose up is usually preferred in high speed riding like winging, towing, or kiting.
Nose down is preferred in lower speed or more pump specific situations like downwind, small wave prone, flat water pump.

To be honest maybe it felt more balanced, but I’ve only had one session like this. It is interesting that your experience different but my attention was primarily on the glide and low end.

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