Going to tow head high waves tomorrow with 14 second period. What wing has more top end between vyper 150 and p140. I have been on both, but not back-to-back …and not sure about top end. Thank you
If you want to perform on the wave and you have tow assist. Vyper 150.
Both are on the bigger side though.
@dillionaire where you at? Here in SC this Lee swell has been much tamer than expected (many dissipointed shortboarders!). I’ve had 3 solid days for 14 sec period and its been great(secret location though)
Florida coast. Secret location also
Both would be fun! You optimizing for the fastest moments or longer rides…
Well, for the record… 150 was possible and pretty fun, but the speed was MAXED. Any hard turns or big drops, I would blow up or almost blow up. The spot has deep fast moving waves that are traveling 18-19mph.
I ended up with 1 degree shim on 13.5 progression tail and switched from the medium to long fuse after a few waves
I’ll post some videos in the next couple days
@dillionaire Sounds like a great time! Can you talk a bit about the tuning with Shim and Long vs. Med fuse swap; what were the feels and effects on ride? I have found that when I have more shim there seems to be less forward pitching movement in punchier surf but less glide. Cheers!