F one eagle x, any review?

Somebody has tried the new eagle x and can give a review? How is it compared to the Eagle? And how good will it be for wing and prone?


I’ll let you know next week.

My first impressions (178cm, 70kg) after winging every size from 700 to 1000 and SUP DW every size except the 700. Unfortunately didn’t have the conditions for that yet.

Efficiency, glidewise they are on par with the other new HA 12+ wings like AFS Pure HA 800, ArtPros etc.
The step from Eagle to Eagle X feels almost as high as from Seven Seas to Eagle speaking of pure glide ratio/performance and holding the average speed.

Higher topspeeds, higher take off speeds, higher average speed, less resistance in the water, more efficient pump (less quad burn, fatigue)

Any sort of wave, bump, lumb or patch of moving water will be converted to speed. The X wants to go forward. Quick accelerations like dropping into steep bumps feel smoother, more pitchstable no surging up. Less pumping needed if you can hold the speed high and ride the perfect line. Different line choices for DW compared to the Eagle. The X feels more sensitive to energy in the water in a good way. Like you get more and faster feedback from it. Good wingtip breach recovery. Feels predictable even close to stallspeed.

Really like the longer fuselage and smaller size of the stabs

for more lowend XXS 170, even more highend and drivier turn with the XS 145. Haven’t tried the 700 with the XXS 170 yet, but the other sizes match well with both stabs. 700 and 800 with the XS 145 are a dream to downwing and carve with the wing and SUP. 900 and 1000 are perfect for tiny (almost flat flat) and gutless windswell/chop and feel surprisingly agile for the span of these wings.

Besides the obvious perfomance gain the agile turning behaviour is the most mentionable feature. For such high span wings all sizes feel really playful and agile. Quite unique.

You can tell I really like them, they match the style of DW riding that I do. But they are def. more aimed towards the advanced rider. With SUP DW you need to have your take offs dialed in and your riding be on point. With enough power in your wing or the right size wave should be not to hard at all, but longer and more efficient boards are a good fit.

All comparsions are against the Eagles (890, 990, 1090, 1290 similar spans to the current X sizing) which are not obsolete with the X at all.

Here is a clip of my second DW run with the 800

hope that helps,


Just convinced me to pick up two more sizes :call_me_hand:t3:

Thanks Basti!

Anyone surfing the 700 eagle x? If I have been prone foiling the Eagle 890 and loving the speed. Does the 700 turn about as well as the 890?

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the 700 is quite a bit faster and feels more agile than the 890 in DW conditions (no prone session with it yet). Even the 800 is faster than the 890 feels similar in turn but a different flavour of turn.

We did a DW speed test 800 vs 890 yesterday


How is the take off on the 700 compared to the 890? Does it need much more power from the swell?

I be very interested in any comparisons for how any of the eagle x’s paddle up compared to the eagle’s

Im interested in using it for prone foiling.
So please do a review in waves!

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How do you find the low-end compared to the normal Eagle, e.g. has the 1000 eagle x better low-end than the Eagle 990? Is it easier to take off with?

best comparison is with the same/similar wingspan Eagle so 1000 X and 1290. X has a faster take off speed but less resistance in the water so less effort to accelerate, but needs the higher speed to get of the water.

So the Eagle is the easier foil to paddle up in general. Eagle X paddle up is in between the Eagle Sizes. For example 1000 X feels in between 1290 and 1190.


By those numbers you’re suggesting the 1000x is easier to paddle up than the 990. Is that true?

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next revisit after riding all X sizes in various DW conditions.

As F-One recommends I like all sizes with the 145 Stab in all conditions the most. A friend that is 10kg heavier likes the 170 when the given size is at its lowend to squeeze out a tiny bit more lowend.

They really shine underpowered. 800 is my most used size, 700 when it gets good. 900 and 1000 when its flat.

Speedwise (SUP DW):
700: max speed 38km/h, fastest km 2:00min
800: max speed 35km/h, fastest km 2:10min
bare in mind that is in rather gutless baltic sea wind chop. Didn’t track enough runs with the 900 and 1000 yet to get solid data.

the sizing seems to be spot on. A fine line up for every kind of condition. Wouldn’t be surprised if they will add an 1100 next year

s turning the 800 in small conditions


Yes, the 1000 is easier to paddle up than the 990 and has more low end. 990 is in X sizing the 800…

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Alright question for the Eagle x guys… I have been trying to DW (haven’t been very dedicated) and been using the 1090, not super successfully. Debating between picking up the 1000 or the 1290, I’m a relatively proficient foiler so my struggle has been getting up, once I’m up I’m alright…

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How are your sup paddling skills? The X likes forward momentum and uses it efficiently but the X doesn’t seem to responds as well as the regular eagle to those gravedigging pumps people try to use for flat water starts because at low speed and high angles will stall it faster. If you can paddle hard, straight and level the X will take off.

The other thing about the X is that after riding it, everything else will feel painfully slow.

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Go for the 1290 first. Will save you a lot of swearing and frustation compared to the 1000.


Hey everyone,

I’m really interested by those foils. How do they compare with other downwind foils like the lift and code ? i’ve ridden the lift 120ha and it’s my only foil i can flat water start it easily for example… what would be the size similar with an eagle X ?

finally getting tuned in with the Eagle X

I ride the 800 most of the time, from 14 til 20kts and the 700 in 20+ in our gutless wind chop Baltic Sea conditions on the SUP.